Por más información del proyecto puede ir a http://recoleccionselectiva.blogspot.com/
Automovilismo: Gerónimo Padilla. Se coronó campeón tucumano de rally en la categoría N-4a y triunfó en 4 carreras. En el Campeonato Argentino de Rally aún está en carrera por el título de la N-4 light. Conquistó 4 competencias.
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Cabe agregar que Gerónimo fue también campeón 2007 en la categoría N4a, ganando tres de las cuatro competencias donde participó (Catamarca, El Cadillal y Del Limón). Nuestro orgulloso saludo al doblete del campeón!
Los pobladores de Tafí del Valle y los turistas protagonizarán este verano una experiencia piloto de separación de basura, para su posterior reciclado.
El proyecto será puesto en marcha mañana. Se trata de una iniciativa del Colegio San Patricio, que viene trabajando desde hace dos años en la investigación de distintos sistemas de recolección selectiva de residuos sólidos.
Docentes y alumnos del establecimiento viajarán mañana a la villa veraniega para instalar seis “islas ecológicas” y permanecerán hasta el viernes para desarrollar una campaña de difusión del tema con folletería en la vía pública y con charlas en las escuelas.
“Cada ‘isla ecológica’ es un conjunto de tres recipientes. Uno para papeles y cartones, otro para envases de plástico y otro para vidrio”, explicó Silvia Sánchez de Bartolucci, coordinadora del proyecto. El equipo está constituido, además, por Silvia Denegri, Alejandra Barea, María Marta Albornoz y Jane Yocca, quienes trabajaron el año pasado y este con alumnos del 3er año del Polimodal. La iniciativa contó, asimismo, con el apoyo de la propietaria del establecimiento, Mercedes Lía Silvetti de Medina, y el respaldo de la Municipalidad de Tafí del Valle y de Minera Alumbrera.
Sánchez de Bartolucci informó que mañana se instalarán seis islas en la zona céntrica y, más adelante, otras siete. “Estarán ubicadas en puntos estratégicos, donde concurra mucha gente. Por ejemplo, cerca de las escuelas, en la avenida Perón y en la zona donde están los artesanos”, detalló.
La elección de Tafí del Valle obedeció, principalmente, a que en El Mollar se encuentra una planta de clasificación de residuos sólidos urbanos. “Además, es el destino turístico más importante de la provincia y posee un patrimonio biológico y cultural que merece ser preservado”, destacó Silvetti de Medina.
Las docentes explicaron que esta es la primera etapa del proyecto, ya que está previsto continuar los próximos años. “Vamos a ver cómo reacciona la población; sabemos que se trata de cambiar una cultura y que llevará cierto tiempo hasta que la gente se acostumbre a separar la basura”, admitió la coordinadora del proyecto. En este sentido, se espera que los alumnos primarios y secundarios sean los principales agentes del cambio.
Segunda etapa
La segunda etapa consistirá en la separación de los residuos domiciliarios en secos y húmedos. “Así, los secos, como cartones, vidrios y plásticos, llegarán en mejor estado a la planta y su reciclado será más fácil”, dijo Sánchez de Bertolucci.En tanto, los alumnos Ignacio Verón y Sabrina Sequeira, expresaron la satisfacción que sienten al ver el proyecto puesto en marcha. “Nos tocó la mejor parte. Nuestros compañeros de la promoción anterior investigaron y nosotros llevamos a la práctica esto. Lo que más nos importa es que la gente no lo tome como una imposición, sino como un trabajo integrado, que se debe hacer entre todos y por el bien de la comunidad”, dijo Ignacio. “El espacio que nos brinda el proyecto (una especie de asignatura especial interdisciplinaria) es muy bueno, porque nos permite aplicar lo que hemos estudiado en otras materias, y es más libre, porque todos podemos opinar y se desarrolla mucho la creatividad”, agregó Sabrina.
Source: La Gaceta at http://www.lagaceta.com.ar/nota/247692/Espectaculos/DJ_exportacion.html
What do Tunisia, Russia, Bulgaria, Canada and Brazil have in common? If you know Gerardo Boscarino '97 you'd know the answer: those are some of the countries where he has been invited or hired to play his music! Not only in Tucson, but all over Argentina, and lately also globally, he has been doing his thing: DJing. A progressive house expert, his skills are in high demand. Hardly a decade ago, like most seniors, Gerardo was looking forward to graduating to start his path on to the real brave new world. And, boy, he has excelled in an activity that, after some initial coaching, he practically developed on his own. At this point, he's been interviewed in different cultures and languages, and La Gaceta has echoed his achievements with two interviews, one in December '07 and another only last July -you can read them below! In his personal website you can find more information about him and his work, and also download his music - oh! by the way, it's published in English (one wonders where he got that!). He was also featured in an extensive interview for the TV program Laburantes, which more thoroughly shows the dimension of his art. Gerardo, you make us proud, and the whole community of San Patricio wish you every success in your incipient yet already successful career.
Interview in Russian! Source: http://www.gerardoboscarino.com/
In the book The Catcher in the Rye, by J. D. Salinger, at the end of chapter 25, Phoebe gets on a carrousel while his brother Holden, who is the book’s main character, watches her, crying and feeling extremely happy at the same time.
After that, chapter 26, the last one of the book, starts. Around six months have passed and Holden finds himself in an undetermined space that can be a psychiatric clinic or a hospital or somewhere else. The reader is disoriented and tries to find out how Holden got in there.
I wanted to give that information, to reconstruct what happened during that gap of time. I do it, not from Holden’s point of view, but from his mother’s. Therefore, my text has not the same style or structure as the original book. For example, it is based on dialogues, not on descriptions.
I present Mrs. Caulfield as an anxious woman who lies to herself about her son’s situation, because she does not want to accept it. My whole text is about the way she reacts when she is confronted with reality.
What really happened to Holden
‘Is he already in?’ Mrs. Caulfield asked, tears running down her face.
‘Yeah, Mum. And it’s all going to be alright’, Phoebe answered.
Holden Caulfield had just entered the Intensive Care Unit at
‘Can somebody please tell me exactly what happened? No one has been able to tell me what happened to my son yet’, Mrs. Caulfield kept shouting.
‘Calm down, dear. Holden was expelled from school again. I think this time it sort of depressed him or something, affected him in some way... The thing is, he knew we wouldn’t get any letters from Pencey ‘til Wednesday, so he just decided to leave school on Saturday and spend those days here in
‘Yeah, but you’re still not telling me what HAPPENED to him! Leaving school doesn’t get you to the Intensive Care Unit!’, Mrs. Caulfield was progressively starting to despair.
‘Today, he took me to the zoo, and to the park, and he let me go for a ride on the carrousel. He seemed happy. But all of a sudden he got… I don’t know… crazy… He made me get off the carrousel, and he said we had to get home. He told me he had to look for something there, I think. I tried to find out what he was talking about, but you know how he can be sometimes’, Phoebe said.
‘Oh, sweetie! But tell me, he wasn’t aggressive to you or anything, was he?’
‘No, Mum. I don’t think he would ever hurt me.’
‘Okay, good. But what happened then?’
‘Well, I was supposed to wait for him on the street. He would go, pick whatever he was looking for, and then we would continue our walk. But I stood at the corner for half an hour and he wasn’t coming back!’ Phoebe’s mature little voice made a pause here. ‘I don’t quite remember what happened then. I just know when I got home, I found Holden lying on the floor’.
‘Oh! I’m sorry you had to see that. Then you called an ambulance, right? How is he now? I hope he’s fine. I already lost Allie; I don’t think I could stand health problems with another son. What are we going to do?’
At that moment one of the hospital psychoanalysts asked to have a private conversation with Mrs. Caulfield, so they both went into an empty room.
‘I am glad to tell you your son is much better now. The next thing we have to do is determine the causes for his suicide attempt. As you might know, neglecting your own health is also a form of suicide. Did someone inform you that your son hardly ate anything for three days? He spent them smoking and drinking alcohol in excess, and he didn’t wear anything like a jacket or coat. That can have severe consequences on the body, specially if you are just a teenager. In your son’s case, it produced a coma.’
‘Are you completely sure it was a… suicide… attempt? I mean… maybe he didn’t notice how bad everything he was doing was… right?’
‘It’s highly improbable. Sixteen-year-olds already know the effects of tobacco and alcohol. Did your son have any kind of self-destructive behavior before?’
‘Not at all. He was a very… No! He didn’t have any kind of self-destructive behavior!’
‘Did he have clear goals in his life? Did he apply himself at school?’
‘Well, he didn’t exactly APPLY himself at school. That’s at least what the teachers said. But he DID have other types of motivation. For instance, he was in the school’s fencing team this year, and he seemed pretty excited about it… What I mean is, he’s a totally normal boy, with no social disabilities and no big psychological problems, besides his brother Allie’s death when he was a kid. But THAT is something that affected the whole family, not just him. What I want to say is that I really don’t think it was a suicide attempt.’
‘Madam, he suffered from chronic depression, and he stopped looking after himself. We psychoanalysts consider it a passive form of suicide. You may call it whatever you want’
‘Tomorrow my eldest son, D.B., is coming. Maybe Holden will be willing to give his own version of what happened if D.B. spoke with him. What do you suggest, doctor?’
‘Sure. It would be nice.’
When Holden woke up, D.B. was sitting next to him.
‘Come on, will you tell me what happened?’ D.B. asked.
‘Not now. The whole story’s way too long. I don’t feel like going into that kind of crap right now’, a still sleepy Holden answered.
‘Come on, it would be really important to Mum.’
‘Okay… if you really want to hear about it… where I want to start telling is the day I left Pencey Prep.’
Author: Valentina Pastore