El Proyecto de Recolección Selectiva de Residuos llevado a cabo por alumnos del 3er Año Polimodal, un equipo de profesores del colegio liderado por la Prof. Silvia Bartolucci y con el apoyo de la Municipalidad de Tafí del Valle y de Minera Alumbrera acaba de ser distinguido en Buenos Aires con el Primer Premio a iniciativas ambientalistas luego de ser preseleccionado junto a otros dos proyectos del resto del país. Estuvieron presentes en el acto de entrega Morita Retondo de Delacroix y la Profe Silvia, el cerebro detrás de este emprendimiento. Daremos más información apenas tengamos más detalles de semejante logro. Mientras, corresponde dar a conocer la noticia: FELICITACIONES equipo!
The Department of English has decided that this year's awardees are Pablo Craig and Elizabeth Chaila -in the picture with Janine and Charlie. The reasons are stated below exactly the way they were read during the Acto de Clausura last December 5. Congratulations, Eli and Pablo!
En los últimos años de su experiencia por el colegio, demostró una gran inclinación a perfeccionar sus habilidades y mejoró su nivel hasta obtener una nota sobresaliente en todas las áreas de los exámenes internacionales que tomó. Se ha mostrado siempre motivada a mantener su nivel de excelencia en la lengua, y además ha mostrado siempre una actitud totalmente positiva y una llamativa generosidad intelectual hacia sus compañeros durante su desarrollo lingüístico en el aula. Por su energía, su entusiasmo hacia la exploración de nuevos mundos a través de la lente de otra lengua y cultura, por sus ansias de auto-superación y su nivel sobresaliente nos enorgullece entregar el Premio a la Excelencia 2008 a Elizabeth Chaila.
A lo largo de su experiencia en nuestras aulas, fue madurando en su curiosidad y apreciación de otras culturas. No sólo ha mostrado entusiasmo y genuino interés en el bagaje cultural de la literatura anglófona, sino que también ha logrado gran fluidez y precisión en el dominio de la lengua que le han valido excelentes performances en los exámenes internacionales que ha tomado. Sus profesores de inglés valoran su apertura mental y su energía inagotable, desde su recordada participación en Drácula allá lejos en 8vo grado, hasta su buena onda para participar en proyectos del aula. Por su curiosidad, su fino dominio de la lengua inglesa en sus formas oral y escrita, por su infeccioso entusiasmo, nos enorgullece entregar el Premio a la Excelencia 2008 a Pablo Craig.
Elegido como ganador en Automovilismo del Premio LA GACETA, Gerónimo es a la vez candidato al premio "Mejor Deportista del Año." Lo obtenga o no, Gerónimo ya es un ganador, después de haber completado un increíble 2008. Felicitaciones, Gerónimo! Te deseamos un 2009 lleno de logros y más alegrías. A continuación lo publicado HOY en La Gaceta: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Son 33 los deportistas tucumanos que competirán por la máxima distinción
Los ganadores de cada disciplina recibirán el viernes el trofeo que LA GACETA entregará por séptima vez. La ceremonia se realizará en el teatro Alberdi, desde el mediodía. El jurado se reunirá el jueves en el hotel Tucumán Center para la votación: el nombre del ganador quedará guardado en un sobre lacrado.
Automovilismo: Gerónimo Padilla. Se coronó campeón tucumano de rally en la categoría N-4a y triunfó en 4 carreras. En el Campeonato Argentino de Rally aún está en carrera por el título de la N-4 light. Conquistó 4 competencias. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cabe agregar que Gerónimo fue también campeón 2007 en la categoría N4a, ganando tres de las cuatro competencias donde participó (Catamarca, El Cadillal y Del Limón). Nuestro orgulloso saludo al doblete del campeón!
PROYECTO COMUNITARIO Pobladores y turistas de Tafí del Valle separarán la basura
Lanzan una experiencia piloto para generar conciencia sobre el cuidado ambiental. La iniciativa es del Colegio San Patricio. La llevan a cabo docentes y alumnos de Polimodal. Campaña de difusión.
Los pobladores de Tafí del Valle y los turistas protagonizarán este verano una experiencia piloto de separación de basura, para su posterior reciclado.
El proyecto será puesto en marcha mañana. Se trata de una iniciativa del Colegio San Patricio, que viene trabajando desde hace dos años en la investigación de distintos sistemas de recolección selectiva de residuos sólidos.
Docentes y alumnos del establecimiento viajarán mañana a la villa veraniega para instalar seis “islas ecológicas” y permanecerán hasta el viernes para desarrollar una campaña de difusión del tema con folletería en la vía pública y con charlas en las escuelas.
“Cada ‘isla ecológica’ es un conjunto de tres recipientes. Uno para papeles y cartones, otro para envases de plástico y otro para vidrio”, explicó Silvia Sánchez de Bartolucci, coordinadora del proyecto. El equipo está constituido, además, por Silvia Denegri, Alejandra Barea, María Marta Albornoz y Jane Yocca, quienes trabajaron el año pasado y este con alumnos del 3er año del Polimodal. La iniciativa contó, asimismo, con el apoyo de la propietaria del establecimiento, Mercedes Lía Silvetti de Medina, y el respaldo de la Municipalidad de Tafí del Valle y de Minera Alumbrera.
Sánchez de Bartolucci informó que mañana se instalarán seis islas en la zona céntrica y, más adelante, otras siete. “Estarán ubicadas en puntos estratégicos, donde concurra mucha gente. Por ejemplo, cerca de las escuelas, en la avenida Perón y en la zona donde están los artesanos”, detalló.
La elección de Tafí del Valle obedeció, principalmente, a que en El Mollar se encuentra una planta de clasificación de residuos sólidos urbanos. “Además, es el destino turístico más importante de la provincia y posee un patrimonio biológico y cultural que merece ser preservado”, destacó Silvetti de Medina.
Las docentes explicaron que esta es la primera etapa del proyecto, ya que está previsto continuar los próximos años. “Vamos a ver cómo reacciona la población; sabemos que se trata de cambiar una cultura y que llevará cierto tiempo hasta que la gente se acostumbre a separar la basura”, admitió la coordinadora del proyecto. En este sentido, se espera que los alumnos primarios y secundarios sean los principales agentes del cambio.
Segunda etapa
La segunda etapa consistirá en la separación de los residuos domiciliarios en secos y húmedos. “Así, los secos, como cartones, vidrios y plásticos, llegarán en mejor estado a la planta y su reciclado será más fácil”, dijo Sánchez de Bertolucci.En tanto, los alumnos Ignacio Verón y Sabrina Sequeira, expresaron la satisfacción que sienten al ver el proyecto puesto en marcha. “Nos tocó la mejor parte. Nuestros compañeros de la promoción anterior investigaron y nosotros llevamos a la práctica esto. Lo que más nos importa es que la gente no lo tome como una imposición, sino como un trabajo integrado, que se debe hacer entre todos y por el bien de la comunidad”, dijo Ignacio. “El espacio que nos brinda el proyecto (una especie de asignatura especial interdisciplinaria) es muy bueno, porque nos permite aplicar lo que hemos estudiado en otras materias, y es más libre, porque todos podemos opinar y se desarrolla mucho la creatividad”, agregó Sabrina.
En el colegio se llevaron a cabo las charlas de Me Divierto Sin Alcohol, proyecto que nació en Buenos Aires y se está difundiendo por todo el país.
“Somos un grupo de chicos entre 16 y 19 años que estamos buscando concientizar a los demás jóvenes que nos podemos divertir sin alcohol. Esto surgió por una carta que escribió un amigo nuestro el año pasado donde daba a conocer su postura frente al tema del alcohol: lo mucho que se evita hablar del tema y lo mucho que se necesita de él para pasar un buen rato. ¿Verdaderamente necesitamos del alcohol para divertirnos? Quizás por miedo, quizás por verguenza no decimos lo que pensamos, pero estamos todos en las mismas! Cansados de tantas caretas, de tanta 'escapatoria' queremos animarnos a ser nosotros mismos sin importar lo que piensan los demás! Creemos que la vida ES divertida y creemos en que los jóvenes pueden entendernos. Es por eso que creamos este proyecto llamado 'Me divierto sin Alcohol' donde cada uno que quiera sumarse a nuestra causa se anime a llevar puesta una remera que transmita el mensaje, que, sin vergüenza, grite lo que pensamos: YO..ME DIVIERTO SIN ALCOHOL. Esta remera no esta a la venta, simplemente la entregamos a cambio de que el interesado firme y asuma un compromiso pautado en 3 pts: 1. Que mi diversión en fiestas, preboliches, viajes, reuniones, etc, no gire en torno al alcohol 2. Respetar mi decisión y la del otro al elegir no tomar 3. que nuestros conocidos, amigos, etc aprendan a diviertirse sin alcohol generando los espacios necesarios
Nosotros no creemos que el alcohol es un enemigo ni vamos encontra de los que sí lo consumen. Simplemente queremos generar el espacio para que chicos que piensan como nosotros se animen a ser ellos mismos, y se animen a vivir una vida diferente. El mensaje que queremos transmitir es muuy simple: ME DIVIERTO SIN ALCOHOL, Y VOS?”
Los invitamos a dejar sus comentarios y opiniones sobre lo que fue la jornada llevada a cabo en el colegio del proyecto Me Divierto Sin Alcohol, o bien, lo que piensan del mismo.
Each time we study technology in class, almost every year since primary school, I find it more interesting. This year we studied its positive and negative consequences, how it reaches every part of the society and how it can impact our daily lives. People see technology as the greatest thing that has ever happened to humankind but what I want to emphasize is the negative impact it has.
The impact of technology in almost all the people in the world is incredible. We notice it mostly in the behaviour of children, how they see things that we did not know about until a couple of years ago, as every day things. It is unbeleivable that a three year old boy says after taking a picture, “Let me see”and runs to the camera to take a look. Or that a girl who is only five can say, “Please,let me play Play Station”. The point is, that it is amusing how technology is being progressively incorporated into daily lives.
As everything in life, this impact has good and bad consequences on societies. The improvement in some areas, like communication, is overwhelming. Thanks to the telephone you can have a conversation with anybody who is in any part of the world. Nowadays, through Internet, we can buy things without leaving home,search for information, or even study and get a degree. It seems that the impact of technology is the best thing that ever happened to human beings, but, is it really like that?
For almost everybody, life is easier now, but they do not realize that it is causing a huge dependency on technology. This dependency is not good, because as we have everything done by technology, we become more sedentary. This is happening a lot among young people who are not used to reading a complete book. It is easier to read summaries from the Internet than spending time reading. Time they can spend playing video games or chatting with friends. It is the wrong use of technology that leads us to negative aspects of it. Not only because we become lazier but because of the lack of privacy we can perceive. The most exposed are young people who publish their pictures on the Internet so that anybody who is surfing con have access to them.They do not realise they are allowing the intrusion by publishing them. They only think about having fun. The Internet is not always a safe place as it is a sort of spider web where everything is connected and so companies know which sites are visited every time you log in. Another consequence of the wrong use of technology is that children in many cases do not need help from other people so they start isolating themselves with the computer and they even stop frequenting their friends because they can comunicate with them through the Internet or cellphone. The family is, of course, left a side too.
As the Internet has become part of our daily life, the cellphone also has. Everybody has one in fact, many of the users are young children. Something that no one is aware of is that it can violate your privacy as the cameras in them are taken as the phone itself, everywhere, and so anybody can take a picture whenever and wherever they want. Also, the cellphone companies, as the Internet, can know exactly what number you are calling and what messeges you send. Other very popular device these days are the MP3 players. They allow us to listen to our favorite songs whenever and wherever we want. The negative aspect of these devices is that some people isolate themselves, listening to their music even when they are in social meetings or walking next to someone on the street.
And a really worrying consequence of technology is that today’s students are no longer the people educational systems were designed to teach years ago. Marc Presky, specialist in the subject, explains that, “Today’s students have changed amusingly from those of the past. A really big discontinuity has taken place. This discontinuity is the result of the arrival of digital technology in the last decades of the 20th Century”. Today’s students represent the first generations to grow up with all the new technology. They have spent their entire lives surrounded by, and using computers, videogames, digital music players, video cams, cellphones, and all the other toys and tools of this digital age we are living in. People refer to this new generation as “digital natives”and say they are all “native speakers” of the digital language of computers, video games and the Internet. The rest of the people, those who were not born into the digital world but have, at some later point in their lives, become fascinated by, and adopted many or most aspects of the new technology are, and always will be, compared to them as digital immigrants. Marc also says that, “It is very serious, because the single biggest problem racing education today is that our digital immigrant instructors, who speak an outdated language (that of the pre-digital age), are struggling to teach a population that speaks an entirely new language”. Of course, it is not easy for grown ups to feel into the digital natives’ world.
As I have mentioned through out the text, there is a huge number of negative aspects of technology that we are not aware of. This lack of capacity to descern this negativity is one of the characteristics of the new digital era. Era in which we are so familiar and dependent on technology that we do not realise that it has terrible consequences in ourselves and the society that sorround us. We must continue using technology because it helps us in an overwelming way but we must also learn to find a balance so that our lives progress and yet our humanity does also.
How many times in our life have we felt the kind of fear that paralyzes us and does not let us do what we want to only because we are scared that something bad will happen or that it will not end as we wish?
Everybody goes through fearful situations in their life but there are some that have everlasting consequences just as the guilt that does not let your life continue normally. Some can change your perspective of the world and it is up to you to make this guilt disappear and find redemption. Although it is not easy, there are people for whom this takes years. “I remember the precise moment crutching behind a crumbling mud wall, peeking into the alley near the frozen creek[…] Looking back now, I realise I have been peeking into that deserted alley for the last twenty-six years”(page 1). This is how The Kite Runner begins, a book that tells us the story of Amir, a boy who controlled by fear betrayed his best friend Hassan, and how his life continued after that.
As it happened to Amir the most complicated and harmful consequence can be the necessity to make the guilt of what he did desappear, “Hit me back” I spat “Hit me back, goddamn you!” I wished he would. I wished he’d give me the punishment I craved, so maybe I’d finally sleep at night”(page 92). Or the necessity to find the way back the situation. ”That was the night I became an insomniac”(page 86). To ask for some help instead of evading it. ”School gave me the excuse to stay in my room for long hours. And, for a while, it took my mind off what had happend that winter, what I had let happen”(page 21).
It is the same fear that leads you to make a mistake and after that it does not let you confront the situation. Just as it happens in the book, it is his fear that made Amir betray Hassan, the same that did not let him fix his error and then determined his shyness.This trait did not help hi make some decisions in his life. He found a way out of his fear by redeeming himself. You find redemption when you pay in some way for what you did wrong.In this way the good things you do will replace the bad ones and you will feel like you have paid for your error. Having betrayed his best friend, Amir was looking for it. “…for the first time since the winter of 1975, I felt in peace[...] in some hidden nook in a corner of my mind, I’d even been looking forward to this”(page 289). These words let us know that as every person who has made a mistake, he was looking forward to the relief of knowing that in some way he had paid for it.
“A way to be good again”(page 192) said Rahim Khan, Amir’s close friend. This helped him to realise that it was time,after twenty-six years to let the guilt go away. It was time to confront the past and to search for redemption. He finally redeemed himself when he started doing the right thing as Rahim Khan has recommended him ”…I believe,is what true redemption is, Amir jan, when guilt leads to good”(page 302).
Amir decided that to find redemption he would look after Hassan’s orphan son..In order to do this, he had to leave his home and wife in America to travel to Afganistan to look for the boy. There he would have to fight against his childhood enemy, the man who had caused his twenty-six years of suffering and guilt. Once he had been brutally snapped by this man, he started laughing. ”My body was broken-just how badly I wouldn’t find until later-but I felt healed. Healed at last.I laughed”(page 289). These words show that his guilt and anxiety of finding redemption were really huge.He felt he deserved to be punched to the point of almost dying, he needed to feel punishment for what he did.
The Kite Runner is a wonderful story about love, honour, guilt and, mostly, fear and redemption. It is a story that illustrates very well what happens when fear is so big that it controls your actions, and the way you can over come this kind of situations.
PLASTICA “No hacemos arte para que se entienda, sino para que se disfrute” El artista plástico Piero Sogno inaugurará el jueves su muestra “Sugus”, en la que el público podrá intervenir modificando la obra. “La creación no es una actividad solitaria”, dijo.
COLOR Y MOVIMIENTO. Una de las obras de Piero Sogno que integra la muestra denominada “Sugus”
“Una obra de arte se completa cuando interviene el espectador”. La afirmación puede parecer trillada pero, en los labios del artista Piero Sogno, cobra una realidad casi literal. Es que con su muestra “Sugus”, que se inaugurará el jueves, a las 20.30, en el bar El Círculo (Mendoza 240), el artista no sólo propone una interacción entre el creador y el espectador, sino también la recreación constante de los cuadros.
“La idea de esta muestra es que el público se sumerja en una tarea diferente; que pueda correrse de su lugar de espectador para ver la obra desde otra perspectiva. Y, en esto, la acción tiene mucho que ver”, cuenta el artista. Para lograr este objetivo, Sogno usa el color como elemento preponderante que, al mismo tiempo, genera los movimientos. “La muestra se llama ‘Sugus’ justamente por los famosos caramelos coloreados”, dijo.
Como un puzzle
Las obras de Sogno, realizadas con la técnica de acrílico sobre tela, representan una serie de cuadrados coloridos que la gente puede ir corriendo un lugar a otro como si fuera un gran puzzle. “Muchas personas dicen que no entienden el arte contemporáneo. Pero lo que hacemos los artistas no siempre se entiende. No hacemos arte para que se entienda, sino para que se disfrute. Esa es nuestra apuesta principal: no sólo queremos conmover, sino también movilizar”, declaró.Y esta participación activa del público en la obra del creador es lo que realmente desvela a Sogno. “Siempre he entendido al arte como algo dinámico. Y, en este dinamismo, el público está involucrado. No entiendo al arte como una actividad solitaria. La alquimia de los colores y de la creación en el taller se completa no sólo cuando alguien pude ver y gozar de ese cuadro, sino también cuando puede intervenirlo”, declara.Sogno inició su formación artística en 1998 en la Facultad de Artes de la UNT. En 2000 viajó a Italia para estudiar en la Academia di Belle Arti de Brera, en Milán. También trabajó en el taller del escultor italiano Nicola Salvatore.
What do Tunisia, Russia, Bulgaria, Canada and Brazil have in common? If you know Gerardo Boscarino '97 you'd know the answer: those are some of the countries where he has been invited or hired to play his music! Not only in Tucson, but all over Argentina, and lately also globally, he has been doing his thing: DJing. A progressive house expert, his skills are in high demand. Hardly a decade ago, like most seniors, Gerardo was looking forward to graduating to start his path on to the real brave new world. And, boy, he has excelled in an activity that, after some initial coaching, he practically developed on his own. At this point, he's been interviewed in different cultures and languages, and La Gaceta has echoed his achievements with two interviews, one in December '07 and another only last July -you can read them below! In his personal website you can find more information about him and his work, and also download his music - oh! by the way, it's published in English (one wonders where he got that!). He was also featured in an extensive interview for the TV program Laburantes, which more thoroughly shows the dimension of his art. Gerardo, you make us proud, and the whole community of San Patricio wish you every success in your incipient yet already successful career.
DJ de exportación Gerardo Boscarino viajó a una ciudad del norte de Rusia para tocar una noche y regresar. En junio, trabajó en un anfiteatro al aire libre en Túnez, donde los boliches también cierran a las 4 am. La música por internet.
Toco y me vuelvo. Sí, parece simple, pero, señor Dj, no es aquí a la vuelta. Es en la ciudad rusa de Murmansk, a miles de kilómetros de Tucumán; en un puerto del Báltico, en el que la mitad del año todo los días son noches.
Ayer partió para Rusia el dj tucumano Gerardo Boscarino, conocido por los habitués de La Boite y sus comienzos en el Nocturno que difundió, por primera vez, la electrónica en esta ciudad. “No es una gira, es ir, tocar en un club y volver la semana próxima”, le respondió Boscarino a LA GACETA. “Trabajaré en el Pilot Club. Sí, es todo un viajecito como para tocar una sola noche y volver, es verdad; pero al menos llego unos días antes de la fecha y vuelvo unos días después, así que tengo tiempo para conocer el lugar”. “¿Y hay una movida electrónica en Rusia?”. “Sí, y bastante. En el boliche donde trabajaré ya lo hicieron artistas muy reconocidos como Chris Fortier, Hybrid, Chus y Ceballos”. En junio pasado, Boscarino inauguró la temporada del Club Calypso, en Túnez, Africa, y ya firmó contrato para estar allí el año próximo. En una extensa entrevista con este diario, admitió que las bases de la electrónica se las enseñó otro conocido dj, Titán. Gerardo Boscarino tiene su propio manager: “es una agencia de management y booking, Solsolar Corp. No es que sea estrella, simplemente es una forma de asegurarme de que alguien con experiencia se encargue del contrato, de dejar en claro todas las exigencias, reserva de pasajes y organizarme la agenda de modo que no pierda fechas por culpa de otras”. El dj asegura que la escena electrónica en Tucumán existe y está fuerte.
- ¿Cómo llegás a esos lugares?
- Generalmente te buscan. Internet es una herramienta de difusión super útil e ilimitada, y tengo la suerte de tener shows en tres de las radios que transmiten por internet más escuchadas en el mundo. Esos shows me los fueron ofreciendo a medida que me fui haciendo de contactos entre djs de alrededor del mundo. También ayuda el hecho de que, además de dj, soy productor de música electrónica; o sea, compongo, escribo y armo temas y remixes, y tengo varios editados dentro de sellos muy reconocidos. Esto genera muchísima difusión, porque cuando a un track tuyo lo pone alguien como Hernán Cattaneo, o Martín García, gente muy bien ubicada en el circuito mundial, llegás a los ojos y oídos internacionales.
- Económicamente es redituable...
- Sí, un 100% o tal vez 90% redituable; ellos pagan por contrato pasajes, hotel, todo gasto de alimento y transporte local, más un cachet que se estipula teniendo en cuenta la fecha, el lugar, la capacidad del boliche y otros rubros. Mis gastos pueden ser comprar algo que quiera, o cualquier otro extra, aunque en realidad hasta esas cosas suelen pagarlas ellos.
- ¿Cómo fue tu experiencia en Túnez?
- Alucinante. Es un país al que nadie que viva en Argentina lo tiene en los planes .Y bueno, surgió la fecha, esta gente contactó a mi manager y de golpe estaba inaugurando la temporada en un boliche, con una cartelera para el resto del verano que incluía nombres como Hernán Cattaneo, John Digweed y Ferry Corsten, gente a la que si me la encuentro, les pido un autógrafo. El lugar fue un anfiteatro al aire libre, en una ciudad en la costa africana del Mediterráneo, en pleno verano, ¿qué más se puede pedir? Lo negativo fue que todos los boliches cierran a las 4am; cuando me lo dijeron no lo podía creer, por reflejo me salió preguntarles (en castellano) “¿¡Y Alperovich, dónde está?!”. Pero la cultura es diferente; empecé a tocar a la medianoche y el boliche ya estaba lleno; toqué cuatro horas, hice lo que quise musicalmente hablando, y tanto la gente como yo lo disfrutamos mucho.
- ¿Cuál es tu estilo?
- Mi estilo gira básicamente alrededor del house, más específicamente, el progressive-house. En mis sets tengo momentos más deep-progressive y momentos que bordean más el tribal-house, pero siempre a la vuelta de eso. Es la línea que mantengo en mis shows de radio y por lo que me voy haciendo conocido. Aparte, son los estilos que más me gustan.
“Los estilos de la electrónica están muy fusionados”
El dj Gerardo Boscarino regresó de una gira por Túnez, (Africa), Bulgaria y Camboriú. Y en octubre tocará en Rusia y luego en Canadá. “Puedo darme el lujo de poner mi estilo”.
De Bulgaria a Túnez y de Camboriú a Santiago del Estero; una vez al mes, en Pollock; y todos los sábados que está en esta ciudad, en su lugar de residencia, La Boite. Por supuesto, en la agenda no falta Buenos Aires, así como otras ciudades del país.
El dj Gerardo Boscarino pasa sus días repartiéndose por diferentes partes del mundo (regresará a la ciudad de Murmansk, en Rusia en octubre, y posteriormente tocará en Canadá), entre extraños idiomas, hoteles cuatro estrellas, y comidas a las que no termina de acostumbrarse. De regreso de su gira, habló con LA GACETA.
“Hoy en día todos los estilos de música electrónica están muy fusionados, y el trabajo es más fácil. Pero cuando me contratan a nivel internacional lo hacen conociendo lo que hago, así que eso es lo que quieren que toque”, afirma.
Caso contrario, ¿por qué la disco Calypso (Túnez) o Pilot Club (Rusia) no contratarían a un artista europeo, si les costaría mucho menos?; hasta se ahorrarían el traductor que las 24 horas le ponen a Boscarino a su disposición.
“No sé si el trato es como a un rockstar, no llega a tanto, seguro; pero el trato es muy bueno, te llevan y te traen, y si pedís algo, lo que sea, en general te lo consiguen”, señala el dj, que, aunque lleva esta vida hace más de un año, no se puede acostumbrar a la comida de Túnez, “donde todo es pesado y picante”. “La comida es uno de los aspectos que más me cuesta y suelo vivir con acidez cuando estoy de viaje”, se queja.
Boscarino tiene su propio manager; es una agencia de management y booking; “es una forma de asegurarse de que alguien con experiencia se encargue del contrato, de dejar en claro todas las exigencias, reserva de pasajes y organizar bien la agenda”, señala.
-¿ En los diferentes lugares, ponés música distinta?
- Yo tengo un estilo marcado, el progressive-house, y cuando me contratan puedo darme el lujo de poner en todos lados lo mismo. De todos modos, cada lugar tiene sus gustos más marcados y uno trata de ir un poco para lo que le gusta a cada país. En Brasil, por ejemplo, incluyo más temas con voz en mis sets, pero en Bulgaria interesa más el deep-progressive, y me tiro más para ese lado.
Como todos los años, el colegio los espera para participar del almuerzo de "reencuentro".
El mismo será el sábado 18 de octubre a las 12:30 hs en las instalaciones del colegio secundario. El costo de la tarjeta es de $20 (incluye comida, postre y bebidas) Deben confirmar presencia al tel 4250708 o 4256463 a Gustavo Capello o Lucía Piñero o vía mail a sanpasec@hotmail.com . Por favor comunicar y hacer extensiva la invitación a los compañeros de promoción. Los esperamos, muchas gracias.
Nowadays societies share some cultural and moral values but each person has different expectations and beliefs. These principles are, of course, important to people because they define and represent them as a society. It is easy to understand this if we focus on two different cultures.
Americans see independence and individualism as very important values. Parents teach their children to make their own decisions in order to be responsible when they grow up. Teenagers study very hard while in high school in order to have a successful life when they enter the adult world. They must get good marks and make a lot of sacrifice to go to the best universities and, afterwards, become great professionals; that is why they take the whole process of education seriously. After high school graduation it is not common for teenagers to continue living with their parents. Young Americans are expected to live in college or to pay for room because that is their way of showing they are independent and responsible persons because it is their time to grow up and become adults.
In Argentina, independence and individualism are taught in a very different way than in the United States. Children are not expected to make decisions about money when they are very little. Parents expect their child to make important decisions from what they teach them and from what they learn at school as they grow up and become responsible and mature persons. During high school, teenagers do not make a lot of sacrifice to later be a good professional; the education system is not very strict so people do not study as hard as they should. It is easy to enter universities because it is not necessary to have very good marks. Both in high school and in university, people study in groups and live with their parents until they graduate from college. People do not make a lot of effort to become a professional like they do in the United States but it is not easy to earn money and that is why some of them make sacrifices in order to have a home and an honest job.
Another aspect that can be taken into account of the American society is time. For Americans this is a very important value if you know how to use it. They are very organized persons; their future depends on time because, if they use it for constructive activities, they will never be late so they won’t waste other people’s time. They make good use of their time. As they are organized they do not do things quickly or wrong. For Americans time is their way of making good money. If they respect their schedules and others' time, they will continue being successful in everything they do.
On the other hand, Argentinians do not have the same attitude toward time as the Americans. It is an important value because you need time to have a better preparation to do you job and to organize your studies but it is also very common that people, especially teenagers, waste their time doing activities that are not as important as getting a good education or being well paid. Most high school students and also college students spend their time doing whatever they want. While at school usually they do not study, they use that time to be with friends and talk about the weekend or parties; after school students watch TV, go to the gym, play computer games or sleep instead of studying. Of course, this is not the same with everyone because adults, especially the ones who have families, are mature persons who use their time to work, to be with their family or to do other important things.
Every society has its own values but they have different ways of teaching them. If we take as an example the countries analyzed we will see that the United States promotes individualism and makes a better use of time than in Argentina but maybe they expect a lot for their future instead of spending time on their own or sharing with their families or friends. All persons are different and have their own culture and principles and it is important to respect and accept them because everyone is special and we should never forget that.
The Kite Runner is a novel about friendship, betrayal and the price of loyalty between two boys growing up in Kabul. Amir and Hassan grow up in different worlds: Amir is the son of a rich man, and Hassan is the son of Amir’s father’s servant, a Hazara. The Kite Runner describes the life of these boys and how they and the place where they live, Afghanistan, changes.
FRIENDSHIP is clearly shown on page 54 when Amir asked Hassan if he would eat dirt if he tells him and Hassan answered “if you asked, I would”. Amir was not always a good friend because he was an immature boy, like when he bothered Hassan when he did not know some big word, but Hassan was a loyal and honest friend and he would do anything for Amir.
Amir was served breakfast every morning by Hassan; then he was driven to school while his friend stayed home to clean the house. Hassan had no resentment to Amir and was a loyal companion to him, like when he protected Amir from neighborhood bullies. Then, during the Kite-flying tournament, Hassan was raped by a boy called Assef. Amir never defended his friend and that is why he could not forget that episode for the rest of his life.
This friendship is also presented in Hassan’s letter to Amir, written when both of them were older, living in different countries. On page 218 Hassan tells him “”...I dream that someday you will return to Kabul to revisit the land of our childhood. If you do, you will find an old faithful friend waiting for you”. This quote clearly represents Hassan’s loyalty to Amir he had forgotten about that terrible episode and he had continue with his life, something that Amir could not do because he felt responsible of what had happened, because he had only stayed there to watch when he could have done something about it. Amir was sorry for leaving his friend there and this could not let him continue with his life, mostly because they had never talked about it they just acted as if nothing had happened.
The main theme of The Kite Runner is REDEMPTION this friendship and feeling of guilt lead to it. Amir’s life changed when Hassan was raped by Assef. On page 289 Amir says “...for the first time since the winter of 1975, I felt in peace”. This happened when Amir went to look for Sohrab, Hassan’s son, to take him home. In order to do this Amir had to find the man who was in charge of Sohrab and when he found this man he discovered it was Assef, his old enemy. If Amir wanted to take Sohrab home he had to fight with Assef and win him. During the fight Assef hurt Amir, because he was bigger and stronger, and at some point Amir started laughing because he remembered of Hassan and the fact he had not been happy or felt better in all those years. He felt guilty and hated himself for not talking with his friend during all the time they were separated, and now it was too late, he laughed because he had kept the truth for so many years and now he was there. Like in the beginning, with that same boy who destroyed everything.
Another important episode is Rahim’s letter to Amir. On page 302 he says “...true redemption is, Amir jan. When guilt leads to good”. In this letter Rahim is trying to say that there is a way to be good again, that Baba had make a big mistake and for this he made good actions and helped people because it was his way of redeeming himself. He also said that he hoped Amir could forgive his father, him, and most important, to forgive himself because Rahim knew everything and he knew Amir he was like a father to him.
Amir decided he was finally going to end with this guilt by taking responsability of Sohrab, by giving him a home and most important love and after all those years he finally finds peace.
The Kite Runner is a great book about father and son relationships, betrayal, loyalty, friendship and redemption. It describes the life of two friends, how they changed after a horrible episode takes place, and it also describes the process that leads to the destruction of Afghanistan. It is a useful book to learn about the history of that country and while reading it you will discover new things that will increase your interest in the book.
American lifestyle is usually a topic of analysis among sociologists and psychologists. Other cultures may find it hard to understand some of their behaviors and customs, tagging them as aloof, cold and calculating people. But this pre-judgment of American culture should not be considered without first understanding their motives to follow some of the behaviors they are so criticized for.
Americans worship individualism, always have, probably always will. They need to follow that simple statement. Since Thomas Jefferson signed their Declaration of Independence, back in 1776, their ideals of Enlightenment and Capitalism were clear to everybody’s eyes. Both ideals needed strong, capable and independent men and women to build the powerful country the U.S is nowadays. Americans are raised to push themselves to be better in every way and to seek for a prosperous future. Since childhood they are told that, as free human beings, it’s in their hands to find success. But they have to fight and compete for it, for no one else will do it for them. These teachings have helped their economic system enormously, capitalism by excellence, to work so well all these years with its ups and downs. Capitalism’s first and most important rule relies on supply and demand. To optimize this, a good consumer market is also needed. One most U.S inhabitants can relate to very well. Independent youngsters and materialistic behaviors help the massive consumption cycle to work so beautifully. Most American teens only seem to want to leave their homes for college, have a good paying job and make millions. These new adults are hungry for brand new cars, houses and better material facilities .They work hard and grant themselves nice and new material goods.
But Americans are far from being the unsociable brats their appearance can give. They do sacrifice for what they have. Competition is taught. But this sense of competition, followed by a great national spirit, has helped them to overcome the Great Depression in the 30s. Their confidence in progress and prosperity has helped the New Deal and its policies to rebuild their economy. It has worked so well, it's become a model followed by Europeans and other countries as well. Americans understood about legitimacy, which brought them back their trust and stability. Also president F.D.Roosevelt created an atmosphere of equality and informality during his fireside chats bringing hope and unity to the country once more. He used to give radio chats every Sunday in which he explained to common Americans the government’s plans to find a way out of the crisis.
Most Americans feel comfortable following that type of behavior. Most of their practices and habits are just a response to their economic and political system. And it’s imitated all over the world. Americans value and stand up for their national progress and are not willing to throw away what their ancestors achieved just to answer to criticisms about their lifestyle. Many times Americans' friendliness and warmth are not perceived because of their natural competitiveness. Their family cell works as their national boundaries. Each state is independent; they have four different time zones, and different legislations. Still they all respond to one big nation that seeks for each American protection, stability and wellbeing.
The reason why many other cultures find it hard to understand the Americans lifestyle and criticize it is more related to the fact that most Americans are ignorant about other cultures. They do not understand the diversity and complexity of other culture’s behaviors and beliefs. Many times this is closely connected with the fact that many Americans are not aware of the stark realities of the world since it is not that common inside their country’s reality.
One would probably believe that in the globalized world, wrong and unfair pre-conceptions of other cultures would be over, but it seems that it is far from being so. American values and assumptions probably wouldn’t be in everybody’s mouth if they were not a political, economic and military superpower. Their lifestyle wouldn’t be so well known if it wasn’t for media divulgation, such as American movies, sit coms and books that are popular all over the world and only reflect a part of their culture. But, on the other hand, maybe Americans have gotten used to living in a blinding nutshell for so long that they've forgotten that this world is inhabited by more than six billon and that we all have to work on our tolerance a little more everyday and have a very different view about what constitutes happiness.
For my writing task I chose to write a fictional letter from Sanaubar, a minor character in The Kite Runner, to her son Hasssan. In it she finds the atonement she had been looking for for so many years. Despite the very little information the readers are given about Sanaubar’s character, I felt this fictional letter would return her the honor she was deprived of. On the other hand, I felt that Hassan’s character, his tenderness and kindness, had to have a more profound origin, and by giving the creation of his life such a passionate encounter I believe the reader would have another reason to feel touched by the story.
Love remained the same
Hassan agha,
There are certain things about life we are not given the right to understand. There must be, for unfairness seems to be present in our blood. Memories, my dear, have the power to shed tears of joy… and pain as well. I remember the moment I saw your eyes for the first time while you were being delivered as well as I remember the moment I turned to see my front door for the last time … The word LOVE never made more sense than the day I found out I was pregnant. It s out of my capacity to describe the million things I felt at that moment. Because the creation of a new being whose soul is the fusion of two passionate lovers can only be compared with the elation of daydreaming. And that’s why my heart bleeds so much when I think of the pain and loneliness lies might have caused you, the most innocent of all. But I am not writing to discuss my feelings, I am not writing to be reasonable either. And I don’t want to preoccupy myself either with what my actions might have caused you. Instead I just want you to know the truth you deserve to hear despite all the years you were deprived of it. I want you to feel, for once, the love that’s inside you. So this is love, this is you. I remember the first time I crossed looks with your father. Your father, not the honorable man who raised you. Yes, I remember. It was an unspoken secret; we had fallen for each other. We shouldn’t have. Yet we couldn’t help it. It was not meant to be. He took the risk of coming to my window one night and stared into my eyes… I will never forget the tenderness of his look, window of the sweetness of his temper, the benevolence of his heart and his sparkling soul. We kissed. There was no need to chat. Kisses reveal the unspoken. We made love with the clarity of passion. There were not two people on earth with more purity of love than ours. There were no two people on earth with more opposite destinies either. I opened my eyes the next morning to find myself next to the man I loved and praised, and to shed a tear for what was about to come. Baba loved you, he loved you infinitely. He loved you so much he would give his dear son to his servant and best friend to make sure you had a better future than the one already written for you and to have you close to him, even if that reminded him of his guilt daily. He would love you so much he would do everything in his hands to be sure I was still alive, saving me from my fatal destiny for violating my family’s honor. There were lies to disguise the truth … lies whose cost you probably had to pay; lies about me that my imperfect memories try to vanish but the burden on my consciousness is still on my fragile shoulders. We never saw ourselves again closely enough to find in each other’s eyes again the peace we both so much longed for. I had to run away right after you were born, for we could not risk the life of the three of us. If someone else had found out we would have been chased and stoned to death .Our family honor would have been stained forever and we, remembered as criminals. It was only me who ran away, but we all made sacrifices. And we did it for love. We did it for you, the blossom of our connection. There’s no shame in truth. Men seem to find shame in freedom. Regardless of everything and upon reflection I have felt like the most blessed woman on earth ever since I saw your father for the first time. There was no room in your father’s heart, great as the world, to feel anger or resentment as he understood about honor and responsibility. But I understood about unfairness and sorrow. Away from the man I loved and my adored son, it took me a long time to find peace with myself and the world again. It took me more than it should have. But that’s why I came to you, my son, with no more mourning or crying or pain, but with just the treasured gift of truth and the healing power of love. I hope you can forgive us.
Liberalism is a political system based on a major concept from which the whole theory derives: freedom. The United States has always self proclaimed as the main role model of capitalism in all aspects, including the economic side of it, capitalism. The institution of this system has led to setting its main values and has been the main cause of what modern American society is based on. The basic framework which sustains this society can be identified with three concepts, from which many others can be deducted: materialism, individualism and competitiveness.
Capitalism inevitably goes with industrialization which, added to the free balance of supply and demand, has led to the creation of a competitive environment in which industrialized products have to compete to be more in demand. The over production and the constant technological advances have resulted in a fast and uncontrollable race. Competitiveness among people exists as a result of the growing capitalistic race that started as an economic phenomenon and has transferred to society as a way of living. Nowadays, most Americans are ambitious in the sense of seeking for better facilities, opportunities and material goods: a bigger house, the newest car, the latest technology, or a higher job position. Competitiveness can be clearly seen, for example, in the academic environment; it is a fact that most high school students in the US compete with their classmates to get the best grades and SAT scores so as to get to a good college, where scholarships are limited to a small privileged part of the applicants, in some cases less than 10% of them.
The constant competitiveness in which people live immersed leads to a big appreciation for time. As part of the consumer society, Americans tend to measure time with production, that is as a direct comparison between time and how much someone can produce in that period of time. Competitiveness provokes this characteristic of the US society, based on the concept that time is advantage, so better use of time means being ahead of the other “contestants” in the race.
The second main concept to be analyzed is individualism. This derives directly from capitalism’s base: freedom. The value of freedom and independence is basic for every American. Most of them tend to think of themselves more as individuals than as a part of closed groups. Many Americans usually feel less attached to family, friends, classmates etc. than in many other countries. This individualistic conception that exists among most Americans can be clearly seen in the popular model of the typical American Family. Children are usually more independent and self sufficient than in other cultures. They are taught by their parents to be independent and self-reliant, and as a consequence, to be more responsible for their own actions. It is a common custom to let teenagers move out to college when they finish high school, and let them decide for themselves in which part of the country they want to study. Individualism can also be related to competitiveness, since the fact that this appreciation for being individuals among people exists, most Americans feel comfortable with the idea of openly trying to be better than the others.
As a result of individualism, privacy can also be considered an important value for many people in the US. This also derives from another main idea that capitalism promotes, and that is the existence of private property. People that live in the United States tend to be very respectful towards others’ personal space. For example, mail and packages that are delivered into someone’s’ house are usually left on people’s doors, and no one even thinks of going into someone else’s yard and touching the package. A general belief among many Americans is that everybody needs their time for themselves and their personal space to relax and keep their belongings. Individualism goes closely connected with privacy, since, on the contrary of many other cultures, many people do not feel the need of constantly sharing with others.
The last main concept characterized as an American value is materialism. Most people in the US have a deep attachment to material goods. Since the US is a deeply industrialized country, citizens have developed an inevitable result: the ultimate consumer society. Most Americans live surrounded by a constant flow of new and innovative products that are advertized everywhere creating the need in people for something that serves as pleasure.
Capitalism can be considered the basis of what the modern American society is. This economic system has led to the setting of what the American society stands for nowadays. Whether it is materialism, individualism or competitiveness, people that live in the US have very defined principles that can be considered a perfect match with the system they live in.
The novel read in class The kite runner by Khaled Hossein caught my attention from the very first chapter. The fact that something that seemed very important was mentioned in the first chapter by the protagonist made me interested in the story behind that unspecified event that seemed to cause huge effects on the protagonist. The author’s method on how to catch the reader’s attention worked on me, since after reading only a few pages I felt like reading the whole book. The depth of some of the phrases used by the author captivated me, and made me curious about what I was going to read next. These were the reasons why I decided to analyze the author’s methods used on the first chapter that proved to be so effective in catching my attention. In my review, I intended to go beneath the words of the novel to discover where the real hook was. As I could conclude after writing it, the mentioning of some ghosts from the protagonist’s past was what caught me from the begging of the story and incentivized me to keep reading it.
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hossein is a novel that takes place mostly in Afghanistan in the 1970s. It tells the story of a young boy growing up and how he has to deal with several realities from his country that he cannot understand. The novel is narrated by its protagonist, who starts the story of his life at the age of 12, when he experienced his first life-changing event. The first chapter of the novel serves as a proper introduction of the whole book; it sets up how the whole story is going to be developed and gives a hint of what the main conflict will be. The narration of the protagonist’s life starts when, in his adulthood, he receives a call of someone from his past in Afghanistan, who brings back a very important issue for the protagonist. After this the story goes back twenty-six years in time, to the point in his life where he experiences a traumatic event. Later in the novel we learn that this event, the rape of his best friend and the protagonist’s inability to stand up to defend him. The narrator lets the reader know that this event will haunt him for the rest of his life. ‘Looking back now, I realize I have been peeking into that deserted alley for the last twenty-six years.’ This quote gives a clue of the impact that this unmentioned event in the first chapter will have on the protagonist. Its importance is clear in the fact that it’s been in his mind for twenty-six years. The passage of time and the fact that the protagonist still looks back on this event tells that this has been very painful, and we can infer there’s still some guilt in the protagonist. The narrator’s feeling of guilt underlies the whole quote, since it shows a process of reflection on what happened from the part of the protagonist. The quote gives the idea that he has thought countless times about this hurtful past event and that he still cannot face the whole situation. The fact that the narrator writes the story many years after it happened enables him to state that he did think about this memory and can now try to look at it from a different perspective than the one he did years before in his life. Another characteristic of the protagonist is showed on the quote. His peeking into that deserted alley’ gives the undeniable hint that he was, or still is, afraid or coward. Cowardice is showed as part of the character’s personality because he clearly says that he was afraid of really looking at this bad memory. The narrator’s fear may have two reasons: he cannot look at this ‘deserted alley’ because he cannot face the fact that he was a coward and did not respond in the way he should have; or because he cannot accept that although he covered his eyes, the rape did happen. Although it is the real place where the event took place, the deserted alley mentioned in this quote has a symbolic meaning. The fact that the alley has no way out and is deserted, is a symbol on how the character feels about what happened. The loneliness within the alley shows that the protagonist knows that only he can solve this issue, since no one can take the guilt of him but himself. The first chapter in The Kite Runner clearly shows what the whole story is going to be based on. Many characteristics of the character are presented in it, as well as a preview of what the main conflict will be and how the protagonist feels about it. His guilt and his fear are the ghosts from the past that he will later face in the course of the novel. The intention of the writer was to show a clear introduction to what the whole novel will develop. The author’s method can be considered to be effective since he manages to build a strong base for the future development of the story and also creates a bridge between the historical past, present and future in the story.
In the book The Catcher in the Rye, by J. D. Salinger, at the end of chapter 25, Phoebe gets on a carrousel while his brother Holden, who is the book’s main character, watches her, crying and feeling extremely happy at the same time.
After that, chapter 26, the last one of the book, starts. Around six months have passed and Holden finds himself in an undetermined space that can be a psychiatric clinic or a hospital or somewhere else. The reader is disoriented and tries to find out how Holden got in there.
I wanted to give that information, to reconstruct what happened during that gap of time. I do it, not from Holden’s point of view, but from his mother’s. Therefore, my text has not the same style or structure as the original book. For example, it is based on dialogues, not on descriptions.
I present Mrs. Caulfield as an anxious woman who lies to herself about her son’s situation, because she does not want to accept it. My whole text is about the way she reacts when she is confronted with reality.
What really happened to Holden
‘Is he already in?’ Mrs. Caulfield asked, tears running down her face.
‘Yeah, Mum. And it’s all going to be alright’, Phoebe answered.
Holden Caulfield had just entered the Intensive Care Unit at New York’s CentralHospital, and, through their worried faces, one could notice his family was concerned about his situation. He had attempted suicide after he had been kicked out of his fourth school, Pencey Prep.
‘Can somebody please tell me exactly what happened? No one has been able to tell me what happened to my son yet’, Mrs. Caulfield kept shouting.
‘Calm down, dear. Holden was expelled from school again. I think this time it sort of depressed him or something, affected him in some way... The thing is, he knew we wouldn’t get any letters from Pencey ‘til Wednesday, so he just decided to leave school on Saturday and spend those days here in New York. I really believe this time wasn’t like the others, maybe he realized he wasn’t going anywhere in life so… Or maybe he was afraid we would punish him too harshly…’, Mr. Caulfield started saying in an extremely relaxed voice, the kind that gets on your nerves, as though he was calmly psychoanalyzing his son or something.
‘Yeah, but you’re still not telling me what HAPPENED to him! Leaving school doesn’t get you to the Intensive Care Unit!’, Mrs. Caulfield was progressively starting to despair.
‘Today, he took me to the zoo, and to the park, and he let me go for a ride on the carrousel. He seemed happy. But all of a sudden he got… I don’t know… crazy… He made me get off the carrousel, and he said we had to get home. He told me he had to look for something there, I think. I tried to find out what he was talking about, but you know how he can be sometimes’, Phoebe said.
‘Oh, sweetie! But tell me, he wasn’t aggressive to you or anything, was he?’
‘No, Mum. I don’t think he would ever hurt me.’
‘Okay, good. But what happened then?’
‘Well, I was supposed to wait for him on the street. He would go, pick whatever he was looking for, and then we would continue our walk. But I stood at the corner for half an hour and he wasn’t coming back!’ Phoebe’s mature little voice made a pause here. ‘I don’t quite remember what happened then. I just know when I got home, I found Holden lying on the floor’.
‘Oh! I’m sorry you had to see that. Then you called an ambulance, right? How is he now? I hope he’s fine. I already lost Allie; I don’t think I could stand health problems with another son. What are we going to do?’
At that moment one of the hospital psychoanalysts asked to have a private conversation with Mrs. Caulfield, so they both went into an empty room.
‘I am glad to tell you your son is much better now. The next thing we have to do is determine the causes for his suicide attempt. As you might know, neglecting your own health is also a form of suicide. Did someone inform you that your son hardly ate anything for three days? He spent them smoking and drinking alcohol in excess, and he didn’t wear anything like a jacket or coat. That can have severe consequences on the body, specially if you are just a teenager. In your son’s case, it produced a coma.’
‘Are you completely sure it was a… suicide… attempt? I mean… maybe he didn’t notice how bad everything he was doing was… right?’
‘It’s highly improbable. Sixteen-year-olds already know the effects of tobacco and alcohol. Did your son have any kind of self-destructive behavior before?’
‘Not at all. He was a very… No! He didn’t have any kind of self-destructive behavior!’
‘Did he have clear goals in his life? Did he apply himself at school?’
‘Well, he didn’t exactly APPLY himself at school. That’s at least what the teachers said. But he DID have other types of motivation. For instance, he was in the school’s fencing team this year, and he seemed pretty excited about it… What I mean is, he’s a totally normal boy, with no social disabilities and no big psychological problems, besides his brother Allie’s death when he was a kid. But THAT is something that affected the whole family, not just him. What I want to say is that I really don’t think it was a suicide attempt.’
‘Madam, he suffered from chronic depression, and he stopped looking after himself. We psychoanalysts consider it a passive form of suicide. You may call it whatever you want’
‘Tomorrow my eldest son, D.B., is coming. Maybe Holden will be willing to give his own version of what happened if D.B. spoke with him. What do you suggest, doctor?’
‘Sure. It would be nice.’
When Holden woke up, D.B. was sitting next to him.
‘Come on, will you tell me what happened?’ D.B. asked.
‘Not now. The whole story’s way too long. I don’t feel like going into that kind of crap right now’, a still sleepy Holden answered.
‘Come on, it would be really important to Mum.’
‘Okay… if you really want to hear about it… where I want to start telling is the day I left Pencey Prep.’
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