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Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Por Constanza Ellwanger Bossi '10 - 9°A

Quiero que mi último suspiro
Sea el viento que aleje tu polvo de mis ojos
Quiero en realidad dejar de respirar
Me condiciona la muerte...
Me presiona... abusa de mi
No mi fisico… eso ya no importa
Tu físico... tu espíritu... tu muerte
Entonces sí mi muerte sentimental

Quiero que mis venas griten y expulsen la sangre
Para colapsar el momento de algún amor
Escuchar tu voz... Como sonidos ensordecedores
Quiero que mi piel se desgarre... Cubrirte, entonces con ella, de pureza
Quiero poder degollar tu mente y enseñarte tu primer conocimiento
Renovarte... crearte... matarte...

No serás vos para cuando llegue nuestro encuentro final
Veré reflejado en tu nuevo rostro salpicado en sangre
La imagen de lo que quisiste ser
La ilusión de poder llegar a ser alguien
No sos más que un cuerpo... eso que tienes adentro
No es más que carne y hueso

Y al mirarte veré tus ojos llenos de miedo y odio
Preguntándote... por qué hice eso con vos...
Por qué fui tan cruda y tan fiel
Y entenderás después de mi última sonrisa
Que pudiste ser mejor... pero tu talento no te salvó
Tu aliento a vivir no fue suficiente

"Te suicidarás..." te responderé... serás todo lo que no quisiste ser
Perderás todo lo ganado... que es nada más que pedazos de billetes
Y un mochila rotosa y apenas abierta... oscura y hambrienta
Como fue tu alma...

Te dejaré solo ahora... con la insólita cara pálida
Que siempre ocultaste... me iré
Y caminaré por los fuegos de mis pensamientos
Y te gritaré la verdad desde lejos.. para que exista la posibilidad
De que nunca la sepas...
Tratarás de insultarme, pero el dolor
De los hilos entrelazados en tus labios no te dejará

La verdad es que no nacimos para existir
No nacimos para ser... para soñar
No éramos lo que pensamos ser
Nuestro pensamiento ya no existe
Te acabo de eliminar
Ahora elimíname.. renuévame.. envuélveme en tu sangrienta piel
Hazme parte de tus venas
Colapsa nuestro segundo de amor
Sepáranos para siempre y termina con esta destrucción

Reacción a la Muestra de Bachillerato de Arte 2007

Por Constanza Ellwanger Bossi - 9°A
1. ¿Qué valor tienen las manos para Valentina? ¿La mano de quién está estrangulando al mundo?
Las manos significan muchas cosas para Valentina. Entre esas cosas están la comunicación, la creación, la represión y la prohibición de la expresíón, el amor y el cariño, y la ayuda.
La mano de nosotros mismos está estrangulando al mundo. Nosotros estamos arruinando el mundo, no sólo ambientalmente, pero en distintos problemas y guerras, con la ignorancia y la no aceptación de las diferencias entre nosotros y con la mentira.
2. ¿Qué impresión o impacto te produce el disparo de la AK-47?
Un impacto muy fuerte. Lo primero que pensé fue en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, en como los nazis mataban tan fácilmente a otras personas, luego pensé en el vacío que puede llegar a tener un alma, y el arma reoresentaría la causa de ese vacío, que puede ser un problema cualquiera, pero grave. Más tarde pensé en la discriminación, en cómo una persona (que representase el arma) puede tener un corazón tan frío comom para discriminar y burlarse de alguien sólo por diferencias físicas, culturales, económicas, religiosas, etc. Y también cómo esa "burla" puede dañar al discriminado.
3. ¿A quién ves cuando mirás por el ojo?
Cuando miro por el ojo, veo un lugar vacío, de puertas cerradas, oportunidades rechazadas, una vida tan fría y llena de soledad. Veo también una mente cerrada que no está dispuesta a escuchar o a recibir ningún tipo de ayuda. Una persona aficionada y viciosa, ignorante y egoísta, llena de dolor y sufrimiento y ciega, sin poder notar el "buen camino".
4. ¿Cuántas imágenes ves en el juego de espejos? ¿Qué significan?
Veo muchas imágenes, imágenes que se multiplican cuadno las miro en los espejos. Significan para mí, la población, en un avance constante, multiplicándose con mucha rapidez.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

IB Work

The impact of technology on our daily life

by Antonieta Majorel '07

Technology has become part of our daily life and its presence is increasing with every new and fantastic service or device launched in the market. We have become so used to it that it has changed some traditions. The question is: does technology have a positive or negative impact on our daily life?

Nowadays, technology is experiencing great development in entertainment, such as multiplayer games, videogames, MP3s and even MP4s. These gadgets offer a variety of ways of having fun, on your own or with someone else. The negative point is that they are frequently used alone, which increases the tendency of isolation. People live immersed in their own universe, without paying attention to what surrounds them. As a consequence, face-to-face relationships are affected. However, with the Internet, e-mail and some online games, another form of global communication has emerged. We can be in touch with people from Italy, China and Guatemala simultaneously, or read the recent news published in South Africa, Prague or Vancouver. This favors cultural exchange, which makes people more open-minded and accepting of differences. Besides, MP3s and MP4s aren’t only used for entertainment but also for the storage of information, like pen-drives. This is a very practical use. The downside is that statistics show a tendency of getting deaf earlier if you listen to extremely loud music frequently.

Another aspect of technology is that it has changed the traditional concept of work. With e-mail, some jobs allow working at home, without going to the office. Research has confirmed that this new method is more productive than the traditional one. However, they also found that working at home leads to devoting more hours to work. This idea is related to the loss of privacy due to the fact that modern workers are always on call. With mobile phones and the Internet we are always available for any kind of message, either from family or work. The dilemma with technology is that we don’t know how to organize our time, i.e. when to work and when to relax. In fact, technology isn’t the problem; the difficulty is that we don’t set our schedule properly. Still, our life quality has decreased because we have become stressed-out workaholics. What's more, our work quality has also diminished because as technology allows us to do many activities at the same time, we don’t concentrate much on each and that affects our performance.

In conclusion, despite having negative consequences on account of its wrong use – deafness owing to loud music, isolation, extra hours working at home, being always on call - technology itself is a key tool that helps us to simplify and improve our life. A great variety of new devices and services promote cultural exchange, boost entertainment and give benefits to workers. So, the impact is largely more positive than negative.


“60 minutes” February 2, 2006. Report by Lesley Stahl. “Technology, like wireless Internet, the Blackberry and even wired bathrooms are helping Americans work longer hours. Forget 9 to 5 – for some it’s now 5 to 9.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Presentación de blog (video)

Este es el video con el que presentamos el blog del colegio en la Fiesta de la Familia 2007!

By Vale Becker

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Pics of the musical!!!

These are some of the pics from our great Saint Patrick's Musical!!!
Wait for the CD to see more!!

Congratulations and thanks to every single person involved in the project and especially to the teachers!! Everything’s in the program so I won’t repeat things, but I just want to underline the great work Charlie, Alina, Adela, Caroline and Janine did. You’re incredible!!
And also want to congratulate the 8th form kids because they’re really brave to do a project like this and with the outstanding results we’ve got.
I want to thank again every single person who helped us to make this project come true and we are all – actors, singers, and audience – pleading for a third night!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Stem Cell Research

The use of stem cells is the new advance in science and they are produced by embryos, which are destroyed in order to take these cells. They can replace every type of cell in our body and this is how scientists assure that most diseases can be cured. Biologically, this discovery is wonderful; even paralyzed people will be able to walk again by replacing the damaged cells in the spinal chord. But there is controversy on the issue: is it morally or ethically right to kill embryos?

Undoubtedly it is a great discovery and many lives can be saved, but at the same time there is a moral issue involved. Apart from paralysis in the spinal chord, there are other diseases that can be cured, such as diabetes, Alzheimer and heart problems. That is why, for a sick person the use of stem cells is a great advance in science; they know what it feels to be sick, and it is for sure that they want to be treated. But beyond those great and remarkable results, embryos are potential individuals. And if we kill what is likely to become a person in order to save another life, we are depriving someone’s right to live.

As far as I’m concerned, stem cells are, for sure, an incredible success in science, which shows that we are really improving health treatment. But the fact that embryos have to be destroyed is worth considering. We can’t just discard them because we are trying to save another person, or doing research. This issue is closely related to the controversy over abortion or euthanasia, so I think that it will be as difficult to solve as those issues are. When human life plays a role in the matter, we have to be careful with the choices we make. So, if you are alive, you have the right to live, why should you kill a life that is just beginning?

In my opinion, the research with stem cells that need to sacrifice the embryo shouldn’t be done. The only way I approve the research is with the stem cells that can be taken from the umbilical chord when the baby is born. They are not as efficient as the ones in the embryo, but taking them doesn’t steal the possibility of a person to develop.

- 60 Minutes. Report by Ed Bradley. Feb. 26, 2006
“Dr. Hans Keirstead believes that embryonic stem cells are a medical milestones seen only every 100 years, and he hopes to conduct clinical trials on humans.”
Valentina Becker
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