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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Me Divierto Sin Alcohol

En el colegio se llevaron a cabo las charlas de Me Divierto Sin Alcohol, proyecto que nació en Buenos Aires y se está difundiendo por todo el país.

“Somos un grupo de chicos entre 16 y 19 años que estamos buscando concientizar a los demás jóvenes que nos podemos divertir sin alcohol. Esto surgió por una carta que escribió un amigo nuestro el año pasado donde daba a conocer su postura frente al tema del alcohol: lo mucho que se evita hablar del tema y lo mucho que se necesita de él para pasar un buen rato. ¿Verdaderamente necesitamos del alcohol para divertirnos? Quizás por miedo, quizás por verguenza no decimos lo que pensamos, pero estamos todos en las mismas! Cansados de tantas caretas, de tanta 'escapatoria' queremos animarnos a ser nosotros mismos sin importar lo que piensan los demás! Creemos que la vida ES divertida y creemos en que los jóvenes pueden entendernos.
Es por eso que creamos este proyecto llamado 'Me divierto sin Alcohol' donde cada uno que quiera sumarse a nuestra causa se anime a llevar puesta una remera que transmita el mensaje, que, sin vergüenza, grite lo que pensamos: YO..ME DIVIERTO SIN ALCOHOL.
Esta remera no esta a la venta, simplemente la entregamos a cambio de que el interesado firme y asuma un compromiso pautado en 3 pts:
1. Que mi diversión en fiestas, preboliches, viajes, reuniones, etc, no gire en torno al alcohol
2. Respetar mi decisión y la del otro al elegir no tomar
3. que nuestros conocidos, amigos, etc aprendan a diviertirse sin alcohol generando los espacios necesarios

Nosotros no creemos que el alcohol es un enemigo ni vamos encontra de los que sí lo consumen. Simplemente queremos generar el espacio para que chicos que piensan como nosotros se animen a ser ellos mismos, y se animen a vivir una vida diferente. El mensaje que queremos transmitir es muuy simple:

Texto de presentación del proyecto MDSA

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Thursday, November 6, 2008

The impact of technology

Each time we study technology in class, almost every year since primary school, I find it more interesting. This year we studied its positive and negative consequences, how it reaches every part of the society and how it can impact our daily lives. People see technology as the greatest thing that has ever happened to humankind but what I want to emphasize is the negative impact it has.

The impact of technology in almost all the people in the world is incredible. We notice it mostly in the behaviour of children, how they see things that we did not know about until a couple of years ago, as every day things. It is unbeleivable that a three year old boy says after taking a picture, “Let me see”and runs to the camera to take a look. Or that a girl who is only five can say, “Please,let me play Play Station”. The point is, that it is amusing how technology is being progressively incorporated into daily lives.

As everything in life, this impact has good and bad consequences on societies.
The improvement in some areas, like communication, is overwhelming. Thanks to the telephone you can have a conversation with anybody who is in any part of the world. Nowadays, through Internet, we can buy things without leaving home,search for information, or even study and get a degree. It seems that the impact of technology is the best thing that ever happened to human beings, but, is it really like that?

For almost everybody, life is easier now, but they do not realize that it is causing a huge dependency on technology. This dependency is not good, because as we have everything done by technology, we become more sedentary. This is happening a lot among young people who are not used to reading a complete book. It is easier to read summaries from the Internet than spending time reading. Time they can spend playing video games or chatting with friends.
It is the wrong use of technology that leads us to negative aspects of it. Not only because we become lazier but because of the lack of privacy we can perceive. The most exposed are young people who publish their pictures on the Internet so that anybody who is surfing con have access to them.They do not realise they are allowing the intrusion by publishing them. They only think about having fun. The Internet is not always a safe place as it is a sort of spider web where everything is connected and so companies know which sites are visited every time you log in.
Another consequence of the wrong use of technology is that children in many cases do not need help from other people so they start isolating themselves with the computer and they even stop frequenting their friends because they can comunicate with them through the Internet or cellphone. The family is, of course, left a side too.

As the Internet has become part of our daily life, the cellphone also has. Everybody has one in fact, many of the users are young children. Something that no one is aware of is that it can violate your privacy as the cameras in them are taken as the phone itself, everywhere, and so anybody can take a picture whenever and wherever they want. Also, the cellphone companies, as the Internet, can know exactly what number you are calling and what messeges you send.
Other very popular device these days are the MP3 players. They allow us to listen to our favorite songs whenever and wherever we want. The negative aspect of these devices is that some people isolate themselves, listening to their music even when they are in social meetings or walking next to someone on the street.

And a really worrying consequence of technology is that today’s students are no longer the people educational systems were designed to teach years ago. Marc Presky, specialist in the subject, explains that, “Today’s students have changed amusingly from those of the past. A really big discontinuity has taken place. This discontinuity is the result of the arrival of digital technology in the last decades of the 20th Century”. Today’s students represent the first generations to grow up with all the new technology. They have spent their entire lives surrounded by, and using computers, videogames, digital music players, video cams, cellphones, and all the other toys and tools of this digital age we are living in. People refer to this new generation as “digital natives”and say they are all “native speakers” of the digital language of computers, video games and the Internet. The rest of the people, those who were not born into the digital world but have, at some later point in their lives, become fascinated by, and adopted many or most aspects of the new technology are, and always will be, compared to them as digital immigrants. Marc also says that, “It is very serious, because the single biggest problem racing education today is that our digital immigrant instructors, who speak an outdated language (that of the pre-digital age), are struggling to teach a population that speaks an entirely new language”. Of course, it is not easy for grown ups to feel into the digital natives’ world.

As I have mentioned through out the text, there is a huge number of negative aspects of technology that we are not aware of. This lack of capacity to descern this negativity is one of the characteristics of the new digital era. Era in which we are so familiar and dependent on technology that we do not realise that it has terrible consequences in ourselves and the society that sorround us. We must continue using technology because it helps us in an overwelming way but we must also learn to find a balance so that our lives progress and yet our humanity does also.

Fear and Redemption in The Kite Runner

How many times in our life have we felt the kind of fear that paralyzes us and does not let us do what we want to only because we are scared that something bad will happen or that it will not end as we wish?

Everybody goes through fearful situations in their life but there are some that have everlasting consequences just as the guilt that does not let your life continue normally. Some can change your perspective of the world and it is up to you to make this guilt disappear and find redemption. Although it is not easy, there are people for whom this takes years. “I remember the precise moment crutching behind a crumbling mud wall, peeking into the alley near the frozen creek[…] Looking back now, I realise I have been peeking into that deserted alley for the last twenty-six years”(page 1). This is how The Kite Runner begins, a book that tells us the story of Amir, a boy who controlled by fear betrayed his best friend Hassan, and how his life continued after that.

As it happened to Amir the most complicated and harmful consequence can be the necessity to make the guilt of what he did desappear, “Hit me back” I spat “Hit me back, goddamn you!” I wished he would. I wished he’d give me the punishment I craved, so maybe I’d finally sleep at night”(page 92). Or the necessity to find the way back the situation. ”That was the night I became an insomniac”(page 86). To ask for some help instead of evading it. ”School gave me the excuse to stay in my room for long hours. And, for a while, it took my mind off what had happend that winter, what I had let happen”(page 21).

It is the same fear that leads you to make a mistake and after that it does not let you confront the situation. Just as it happens in the book, it is his fear that made Amir betray Hassan, the same that did not let him fix his error and then determined his shyness.This trait did not help hi make some decisions in his life. He found a way out of his fear by redeeming himself.
You find redemption when you pay in some way for what you did wrong.In this way the good things you do will replace the bad ones and you will feel like you have paid for your error. Having betrayed his best friend, Amir was looking for it. “…for the first time since the winter of 1975, I felt in peace[...] in some hidden nook in a corner of my mind, I’d even been looking forward to this”(page 289). These words let us know that as every person who has made a mistake, he was looking forward to the relief of knowing that in some way he had paid for it.

“A way to be good again”(page 192) said Rahim Khan, Amir’s close friend. This helped him to realise that it was time,after twenty-six years to let the guilt go away. It was time to confront the past and to search for redemption. He finally redeemed himself when he started doing the right thing as Rahim Khan has recommended him ”…I believe,is what true redemption is, Amir jan, when guilt leads to good”(page 302).

Amir decided that to find redemption he would look after Hassan’s orphan son..In order to do this, he had to leave his home and wife in America to travel to Afganistan to look for the boy. There he would have to fight against his childhood enemy, the man who had caused his twenty-six years of suffering and guilt. Once he had been brutally snapped by this man, he started laughing. ”My body was broken-just how badly I wouldn’t find until later-but I felt healed. Healed at last.I laughed”(page 289). These words show that his guilt and anxiety of finding redemption were really huge.He felt he deserved to be punched to the point of almost dying, he needed to feel punishment for what he did.

The Kite Runner is a wonderful story about love, honour, guilt and, mostly, fear and redemption. It is a story that illustrates very well what happens when fear is so big that it controls your
actions, and the way you can over come this kind of situations.

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