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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Desde el principio

Todo comenzó con al muestra de arte de Bachillerato Internacional, cuando la muestra ya estaba montada, le siguieron unos imprevistos que llevaron a levantarla antes de tiempo sin contar con al presencia de los que exponían, y por eso, los trabajos permanecieron ahí hasta que fueron retirados por sus dueños, uno, dos y tres días después. 
Pero yo, Lucas Craig, cuando fui a buscar mis obras, me encontré con dos de ellas rotas. Unas fichas de ajedrez y un ojo 3D, las fichas en un estado deplorable, resultado, seguramente, de la intromisión de los niños del jardín de infantes ya que la puerta no fue cerrada con llave. Con esta imagen, de mis obras sobre el piso de la sala, y un par rotas, solo sentí enojo y furia hacia todos los que pudieran haber tenido algo que ver con lo sucedido, ya sean alumnos, profesores, dueñas, etc.
Cuando llegué a casa saque fotos a las obras rotas y las subí a Facebook, sin ningún otro propósito de que todos vean lo que había pasado. Claramente, no medí el poder de esa página para propagar mis palabras. El mensaje en pocas horas había llegado a mucha gente dentro y fuera del colegio, y teniendo en cuenta que mi enojo se volcaba en él, las respuestas de las autoridades, no fueron positivas. A mi voz, se sumaron otros gritos de compañeros, quienes apoyaban lo que yo había dicho, pero esto desencadenó aun más malestar entre las dos partes, colegio y nosotros
Pero esto es solo un ejemplo de las cosas que pueden pasar, esta vez nos tocó a mis compañeros y a mi, después siguen ustedes. Esto es algo que lo escribo para que vean como funcionan las cosas, generalmente NO como pensamos. Las repercusiones son siempre mayores y pueden llegar a irse de nuestras manos.
Todos nos arrepentimos de haber comentado esa foto, por que después de todo, no nos sirvió de nada, ni mejoró ninguna situación. Nos sirvió, si, por otro lado, para ayudarnos a abrir los ojos, ver como debería funcionar todo. Hablar, aclarar lo que sentimos, como fue todo, etc. Esta vez nos quedó bien claro que simplemente escribir no trae buenos resultados, ni los efectos que esperábamos.
Claramente, y espero que lo hayan notado y entendido, la experiencia es la que verdaderamente nos marca y enseña, aunque a veces es mejor evitarla, sabiendo lo que va a suceder después de intentarlo. Queda claro también que yo si tenía mis razones para enojarme, pero, la forma en que lo expresé no ayudó a calmarme ni trajo consigo bienestar ni en el colegio, ni en mí. Fue un disturbio mayor en el que muchos participamos y después ninguno pudo mantenerlo estable.

Cada uno de nosotros lo vivió de forma diferente…y sus pensamientos fueron los siguientes:

Reflexion Redes Sociales  (Federico Scidá)

Diferentes sitios a lo largo de la Red llegan a un consenso casi unánime acerca de lo que es una red social. Se puede decir, a grandes rasgos, que estas son estructuras sociales compuestas de grupos de personas, las cuales están conectadas por uno o varios tipos de relaciones, tales como amistad, parentesco, intereses comunes o que comparten conocimientos. Tales estructuras suelen ser bastante dinámicas, y se encuentran exclusivamente en Internet. Las mayores redes sociales del mundo son Facebook, Twitter y MySpace. En ellas, los usuarios suben contenidos, la mayoría de las veces de carácter personal, como videos y fotos para compartir con otros usuarios. Las redes sociales tienen grandes ventajas en el sentido que podemos mantener contacto activo y rápido con cualquier persona que elijamos en todo momento y a toda hora. A diferencia de los servicios de correo electrónico, en las redes sociales un grupo de personas pueden mantener contacto simultáneamente cada una con el resto del grupo. Sin embargo, estas redes son un arma de doble filo de cuyas desventajas hay que estar precavido, no para abandonar su uso, sino para moderarlo.
Internet es de todos y para todos. Esta afirmación no discrimina sexo, religión, edad ni nacionalidad, y desde luego, tampoco discrimina a usuarios con malas intenciones. Sin detenernos nunca a pensar al respecto, subimos a las redes sociales información que no debería ser compartida con nadie, y que puede ser usada en nuestra contra llegadas las circunstancias. En la película norteamericana de 2008 “Control Total” (“Eagle Eye”) el protagonista Jerry Shaw es acosado junto a su compañera Rachel Otomán por una entidad cibernética con inteligencia artificial súper avanzada, que conoce sus personalidades y pasados a través de la información que ellos suben a la red. Esta entidad los extorsiona y manipula para completar sus siniestros objetivos, y los protagonistas se ven obligados a obedecer al pie de la letra, incluso si esto implica ir contra la ley y poner en peligro vidas ajenas. Lejos de ser una obra maestra del séptimo arte, la película ofrece no obstante una gran mirada sobre el impacto que tienen los medios de comunicación sobre nuestras vidas, y como estas pueden verse amenazadas si cierta información cae en malas manos. Se suele decir que la realidad supera a la ficción, pero a veces, la ficción puede ser muy realista.
Las probabilidades en el mundo real que un programa de computación de ultima generación nos use y amenace usando la información personal que subimos a Internet es absolutamente nula, pero si consideramos las chances que otra persona o grupo de personas lo haga, estas aumentan drásticamente. Registrarse en Facebook es en realidad una labor bastante discreta, pero completar los datos de perfil deja severamente expuesto al usuario. Y aunque esa información se borre, queda guardada para siempre en la base de datos del sistema, a las que un hacker o cibernauta experimentado podría acceder sin mayores complicaciones. Cada grupo o evento al que nos unimos dice algo de nosotros: forma de ser, lugar donde vivimos, sitios que frecuentamos. Cada comentario, estado, actividad, nota, foto o video que compartimos expone una parte de nosotros, y esos pequeños detalles se van sumando hasta formar perfiles de personalidad que nos dejan expuestos sin que nos demos cuenta. Por muy inofensivas que puedan parecer las redes sociales, estas esconden elementos que pueden hacer peligrar nuestra propia seguridad.
Las redes sociales son un fenómeno en ascenso, eso es innegable. Y cada día más y más gente de todas las edades se le suma. Su crecimiento ha sido sin duda exponencial y abrupto, y han hecho la comunicación más sencilla, rápida y económica para muchísimas personas. Sin embargo, no debemos olvidar que todo lo relativo a Internet puede ser tan peligroso como Internet mismo. Y muchas veces las amenazas se amparan en el anonimato que ofrece la red: uno puede ser quien quiera sin que nadie más lo sepa o sospeche. A raíz de ello, los usuarios pueden a veces padecer en el mundo real la destrucción de sus imágenes o el desentendimiento en sus relaciones personales. Incluso ha habido casos de secuestro y extorsión. Las redes sociales deben ser manejadas con cuidado: no hay que olvidar jamás que estas no son mas que otro ámbito publico (mas restringido, si se quiere) y que lo privado no le atañe en lo mas mínimo. Se deben configurar los niveles de seguridad al máximo, y ser cuidadoso a la hora de seleccionar contactos. Y por sobre todo, mantener siempre presente que afuera de nuestra computadora hay un mundo mucho mas interesante que el que esta dentro de ella. Un mundo de sentimientos y sensaciones más vivaces e intensas que las que nos pueden dar unos cuantos clicks. Donde no somos un nombre en una lista, sino personas, y donde solo tenemos un rostro que hay que pulir y cuidar. Eso, es el mundo real.

El Poder Inadecuado de la Palabra. (Philippe Delaporte)

Todos tenemos opiniones u objeciones en cuanto a los sucesos de nuestra vida, pero muchas veces no sabemos cómo expresarnos de forma y en el contexto adecuado. Cuando decimos algo en un lugar público, como ser Internet, a veces  no tenemos en cuenta las repercusiones que puede tener en la sociedad o en alguna institución a la que se relacione el tema. No estoy diciendo que tenemos que hacer callar nuestras opiniones, solo que tenemos que tener cuidado en donde y como se las dice ya que mucha gente puede interpretarlo de forma inadecuada y no podremos estar ahí para aclarar las dudas ya que TODO el mundo usa Internet y nunca podremos saber quien vio nuestro mensaje.  Por eso los invito a que reflexionen sobre lo que postean u opinan en Internet para hacerlo de una forma adecuada y efectiva para así no decir cosas ambiguas o que no sean claras.

Sin título (Julieta Muratore)

Una forma de mantenerse en contacto con sus amigos mas cercanos, familiares, conocidos…una forma de dar tu opinión, decir lo que pensas libremente, divertirte, recordar...pero, olvidando q no solo esas personas lo leen; en Facebook cualquiera tiene acceso a tus datos, a quien sos como persona, a lo que opinas..y eso puede ser una gran desventaja de esta gran red social…
Al expresar nuestros sentimientos sobre algo q este sucediendo, algún evento q no nos agradó...cualquiera tiene acceso a ello...y puede malentender la situación y  todo lo que esto acarrea…por lo tanto...hay q ser un poco mas concientes de lo q se dice en la red, ser cuidadosos a la hora de hablar…y si se desea expresar algo q sea de forma privada x otro medio...hay veces que es mejor hablar las cosas en persona, enfrentarlas en la vida real, no de una forma “cobarde” o “indirecta” por medio de una vida virtual en la cual no se sabe con quien o que te puedes encontrar!...

Facebook… diversión y peligro constante. (Maximiliano Rodríguez Martín)

 Este año, esta red social de Internet ha ganado una increíble popularidad en nuestra juventud. Muchos la utilizan para hablar con amigos, organizar salidas y, quien sabe, hasta conocer gente nueva. Esto me lleva a pensar, ¿se le ha dado un buen uso al facebook? Durante este año no sólo hubieron problemas con violadores y secuestradores quienes sacan sus víctimas del mismísimo facebook. Pero ese no es el problema principal en lo ocurrido en nuestra institución. Facebook, aparte de ser útil para conocer gente nueva, es una manera que tienen los adolescentes de expresar sus opiniones e ideas pensando, ingenuamente tal vez,  que no serán juzgados. Al haberse convertido esta red en algo tan masivo y popular, los adolescentes deben saber que tienen que ser responsables con el uso de la misma, ya que un mal uso, puede ser peligroso.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Giving this blog the electroshock it needs...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Gris Y Aun Mas Deprimente

Experimental Poetry

Gris y aún más deprimente.

Me tropiezo, casi caigo

Mi cara mojada, sigo caminando

Triste pero cierto, pienso

No dejo que se hunda

Hasta ahora todo lo visto es gris

Deambulando por acantilados de tiempo

Mi cabeza flota

Mi mirada me duele. Da pena

Sentir melancolía no se compara.

É l perdió su guante,

Gris como este día

Humilde como el hoy,

Perdido como el mañana

Me hiere los ojos

Mi corazón, mi alma

Alguien está aun más deprimido

La vida no es siempre de colores

Así como estas flores

Llenas de rencor por un enemigo de ataque tardío

Hielo, se siente como en casa

Contemplo el cambio

con mirada un paso afuera

No me siento eterno

Si gira, me petrifico

Si vuela me desplomo

Si ríe me golpea

Si es feliz, sigo así

Déjà vu? Error

Circuito cerrado

Circulo maldito

Rueda del infortunio

Afortunado soy

de pensar en él devuelta

El pesado guante

De pasado, no pisado

Aplastado, abandonado

Él me crea un presente

más vivo y cambiante

Un camino recto

Que seguirlo no cansa

Mis pies ya no están.

Al menos no los veo

Respiro por la boca

Amplia y sonriente

Como es posible?

Un sacrificio. Un mártir.

Inconsciente, tangible

Los globos azules

Abajo mío

Subo rápido

El algodón susurra

Mi piel aúlla

Mis dientes se despedazan

Mis labios se abren

Liberan mi fluido esencial

Mis extremidades fluyen

Como en un río inundado de aire

Se desvanecen

Con ellos mis sentimientos

No hay desesperación

No mas rencor ni resentimiento

No siento mi vieja compañera

Mi tan olvidada ya depresión

Lucas Craig

Friday, September 11, 2009

Tree of Spirituality

This is one of my creations. I've been asked to put here some of my drawings and paintings, why not? I said. So here it is.
Made with acrylic and china ink.


Lucas Craig.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Through The Gate I Shall Be Gone

Margaret Baldwin is my name. There’s no certainty on how old I am. Dead? Not yet i suppose. But I’m close to it, that’s a fact.
I have been standing behind this door for an eternity now and it seems that my staying will last for some more, This place, horrid. Lights? There’s none. Cold? Freezing to the bone. I can’t move, it feels like those dreams where you can’t scream of horror, no voice nor sound will come out your mouth. Where you want to run to escape a fatal destiny but your legs move slowly and get slower with every second that passes and feel like taking a thousand years long to move.
I’m alone now but haven’t always been. There have been 2 opportunities now where I have had the company of different people. One, the first one, was an old man. Old, older, so old he couldn't even remember his age. His face showed infinite centuries which had passed though him endless days and night that he could no longer enjoy. He did not speak and it was useless for me to speak to him. His eyes nevertheless revealed the beauty he had once had.
Such glitter was ever to be seen but in those huge pair of great lighthouses. Immense, blinding and serious at all times but carried within a certain touch of joy.
He didn't stay long but those were times were I could be, or some part of me, unaware of me situation and the atmosphere which surrounded my suffering being. Somehow his eyes shone with a kind of blissful light and revealed to mine the truth about the room. It was my height tall and there was space just enough for us both. The walls didn't seem like solid material and they weren't either stable nor immutable. I could just imagine it re-shaped when someone else came in. Along with his years ran long times of his bides in this hole.
There was a door, more likely a gate. It worked as entrance and exit. That's all I knew about it. He was gone.
Some long and deep thinking time passed be and the tribal shaped metal opened,the darkness gave some little space, she entered. 9? 10? I couldn't dare to ask, not even after she did with her soft but high pitched voice. I couldn't answer more accurately than "Much more than you I'm sure" She chuckled.
That lovely and tranquil sound lasted until the end in my mind, for my old brain and eyes weren't able to take hold of her face for long. My memory of her, lies in my ears. Once in a while I remember. Once in a while I'm comforted by her.
My chest hurts. My head bursts. This place has given me enough to think about and gave me another picture of life that I hadn't seen when I was...well, alive? I guess I'm not now. It just doesn't feel like it. There's no joy to enjoy. Even colors have stayed behind.
Today I spit blood. Dark and thick. My blood, a bad signal. The end must be close. So much suffering is unfair. I want it to end...My bones are already too weak to bear my own weight. I can feel my scalp, my veins are wrinkled and voluminous. I shake. I tremble. Oh God, can you hear me? Will you listen to my prayers? Do something! Tears splashed over my shrunken cheeks. Their taste I could not even differ. I can sense bags below my eyes.
My lungs have compressed themselves and won't let sufficient air get in. I think I've given my last breath let go...
Down below, in another dimension, in a hospital room a machine made a monotonous high pitched sound. The body lied peacefully immobile. Stone cold. A clean white sheet covered the departed.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

An Artistic Proposal

Here I am with nothing else to think about apart from art, which has become a huge

part of me in the last hmmm, let's say 20 months. My inner artist has come out and

revealed a then hidden side which I had been blind to it for so many years.

But to keep the prologue beside, here I would like to share this magnificent feeling

with you and therefore I extend my invitation for you to take a look at my blog,

inspire yourself, comment, share "you" with me if you may, everything helps.

With nothing else to say for now, I take off to another dimension. Mine.

"It's only the artist and the free scholar who carries happiness within him" (Ludwig Van Beethoven)

This is the rope which unites your to my blog:

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

High school: enjoy while you are at it!

I came into his room which smelled like never having been cleaned up before and there he was,

sitting in a chair in front of the computer laughing his lungs out while chatting with his

friends! Pablito Iramain '07, a former CSP student, wouldn't stop remembering his mischievous

time with his buddies at school.

"I miss school so much” he says nostalgically, but then in a cheerful way “I loved it!”. Those

were his first thoughts in my interview about his life in his school years. He told me his

favourite subject was Geography and that he wasn't very good at English... When I asked him to

tell me an annecdote he burst out lughing! Some of them are playing cards under the desk in

Ricky's class or sleeping in the morning classes, but during the last year he and his friends

spent their free time playing jokes on almost anyone who got in their way. Of course he did study

something, but he had so much fun doing what he wasn't supposed to.

So now you may wonder what this guy's life is like nowadays. He lives with his mom and dad and

three sisters in Yerba Buena. He is studying Agronomy at UNT and he admits that even though he

wasn't a very good student, school was really useful for his career. In his free time he likes

listening to pop or rock music, doing mountain biking and hanging out with his friends. He also

gave me a little advice: “ just enjoy school while you are at it, otherwise, you'll regret about

it later”. It was really fun doing this interview and I don't know about you but I'm taking his


Constanza E. Bossi

An Artist Facing Science

Classical music and expressive moves on the floor are what I first sensed when I entered Ana

Craig's room. She is prepairing herself for a corporal expression presentation and now her high

school time lies far behind in her memory.As i ask her, she tries to remember those hard times,

but she doesn't stop her dance and asks me to repeat my questions.

Ana Craig who is in fact my sister, wasn't sure of being interviewed, but as I insisted

she gave in and we got started. She confessed that her wort memories lie in school times, but she

did have something for me. Ana graduated in 2002 from Saint Patrick's school where seh took part

of the Junior Achievement project which that year consisted in making chutney.the whole group was

to produce it at home and try to sell it, and that's what the actually did! "It was hard work,

here at home with mountains of fruit to cook" she adds.

Her life nowadays is quite different. She told me that after her practice she had to go to

a flute lesson in her music school which would hopofully take her to another concert such as the

one she has already had with Ensemble Tornasol a few months ago in the Alberdi Theater. Since her

first yeras she has spent a lot of her time playing the recorder (plastic little flute) and

that's where her flute abilities come from. Her art classes inspired her to do more and expand

the limits of her imagination, but her path started to change course when science got in her

head. Her will to get to know bacteriaand different uses of substances pushed her to major in

Biotechnology. She is actually working on her final thesis at the moment.

Now that she has hot her hobbie, music, art and career, her goal is to become a good flute

player, which she hopes will take her travelling around the world performing infront of huge

crowds. She hopes to get a job after finishing her studies and then form a family.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Alumni Vignette: Lucia Piñero

By: Lucas Caram

Discussions over beauty always end up the same: she is the prettiest. Everybody knows her at school because of her water color eyes and her beautiful smile. When I asked Lucía Piñero to do this interview, she was in the library working on the report cards of seventh grade and having a laugh with Daniel Santos while outside you could hear students at break.

First, she wasn’t sure of answering some questions about her personal life but insisting a little I convinced her. Throughout the interview she was smiling because of two reasons, one is she like helping others, and the other is that thinking of the questions I made, she remembered all the adventures of the time she was studying here.” I graduated in 1999” she told me with a melancholic tone adding that the time she had spent here is probably the funniest time of her life.

After finishing High school, Lucia decided to continue studying her favorite subject, English. At present, she has to take only a few exams to complete her career. As we all know apart from working hard to became a English teacher, she is also working in her old school as a teaching assistant which makes her acquire more experience because doing this job she can see what working at a school is like.

Finally, I asked if she could share an anecdote and she rapidly answered: “Yes, one day we were having Math with Mr. Ricardo Barcat, aka Ricki. We were working hard without making any noise when suddenly Ricki broke the silence with a sharp shout “Who stole my glasses?” He was really angry because he thought that we were playing a joke hiding his glasses so he punished us keeping us inside the classroom during break. Later, he realized that his glasses were in his pocket but break was over by then.”

To conclude I thank Lucia for sharing her experience with us .I am sure that she will finish her career soon and I hope to have her as an English teacher.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Now that I got your attention with this title, this is only an interview of my sister.

When I asked her to be interviewed, she was in her tidy bedroom reading The House Of Spirits and while the TV was on you could hear the The Simpsons in the background. She is a great student, who dedicates a lot of time to studying in the living room and nobody dares bother her because it would be the last thing this person would do. She is so focused when she’s working.

My sister is Alejandra Victoria Delaporte. She graduated in 2004 and after school she began her major in Law School. She is interested in social work and wants to become a diplomat, but she is now studying to become an attorney. She has two brothers Patricio and me, Philippe, Sara is her mother and Patricio her father.

She told me that at CSP she met some people that today are still her friends. People call her Pupe (this means doll in French). There are a lot of people that don’t know her name.

To conclude, my sister could be a bit of a controller but she is a great person that always wants to help others.

By Phillipe "Pipo" Delaporte

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Everybody knows him at school. His closeness to students and friendly attitude often make us forget he’s a class assistant and not just another boy in the group. As we enter his office, he’s focused on lots of students’ report cards, filling in grades, as the sun starts going down on a Tuesday afternoon. After checking his watch, he stands up to reach for the bell. He notices me; he knows we’ve come to interview him. Gustavo Capello '99 smiles at us as we sit down. “So, Gus, I promise this will be short, as I realize how much work you have to do” “Oh, these? Not a problem, they’re due Friday. There’s time”.

When we asked about his life as a HS student, his eyes went melancholic, remembering past days. “I graduated in 1999; it seems yesterday when I was walking home after graduation ceremony, but this happened ten years ago. Time goes by really fast!” After his good times at high school, he told us, he wasn’t certain of what to do next, but after much deliberation, he decided to go to Law School. Now he’s only four subjects away from the diploma (Good for you, Gus!). “But still, High School years are the best in life; enjoy the ride while you can.” His smile widened even more, and he started laughing. While we were wondering what the cause of this laughter was, Gus, still giggling, managed to answer the question. “I’m sorry… I just remembered an anecdote from my time here! When I turned fourteen, my classmates cut my hair here at school. Although everyone got sanctions (those who cut my hair, me for letting them, and everyone around for not doing anything about it) we had a great time. It was some mischief to remember. But the funniest story was when my classmates and I organized a party at the Primary School so they called a dancer to entertain the crowd but when this man started dancing, everyone realized he was a stripper!!” he laughed.

“English from school was very important and helps me in my everyday life” he also added. He could travel to many different countries and meet new people by speaking this universal language. “Thanks to the English I learned at school nowadays I can watch movies with no subtitles because I really understand what they are saying”.

“Oh look at the time! I had to ring the bell two minutes ago. This has been a long break. (He reaches for the bell, and this talk comes to an end) See you around guys; you have to go to class now.”

As we left the office, we looked behind. How many Law students who are about to get their diplomas do you know? Perhaps many. Now, how many of these you know, that in addition are always smiling and in a good mood? In our case, only one: Gus. To the school, he’s just a good class assistant. For us, the students, he’s a friend.

by Federico Scidá and Maggie Navarro

Guillermo, an outstanding student

He agreed to be interviewed in English over the phone and was willing to tell us more about his life out of school. Guillermo, now 18, has a very interesting life and with a cheerful laugh he agrees to answer my questions.

Guillermo Fuensalida Ramos ’08 took the IB diploma which makes his studies of Law at UNT easier, where he’s still in his first year. He is a full time student who cares about his family and who usually finds the fun part of life easier than others.

In his free time he reads books, especially the classics -at the moment he’s reading Madame Bovary written by one of his favorite authors Gustav Flaubert-, but he doesn’t watch too much TV because of his studies. Whenever he can, he hangs out at Villeco and goes to the movies with Solana, his girlfriend. He likes to have fun with his friends at home or parties. He also drives so he has an independent life and it’s easier for him to get around.

Of his time at CSP he will never forget sitting for the International Baccalaureate exam and being surrounded by friends and classmates every day. In fact, he remembers when his class decided to present a teacher’s parody in which they all had to dress up as each character and act some specific quality that their teachers had.

It is clear that Guillermo loves acting and likes to share his good sense of humor with friends. We will never forget his performance as a singer, up on the stage, when he acted in High School Musical with other students and also when he sang, ‘What’s going on’, with a classmate for School Week in front of a cheering crowd.

By Julieta Serrano

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Best Moments Ever

Happy, cheerful, now living in Buenos Aires and enjoying her job at CCU (United Beer Companies), Maria Dolores Scotta, Class of '97, was willing to share her current life with us.

Apart from working, Dolores also likes to swim, go out a lot, listen to her favourite music of the 80s , like Madonna and songs sung in French. She graduated from San Andres University in Business Administration and now after working in important companies such as Unilever, she is working as a brand manager of Super Premium Beer brands: Ciriba, Guiness, Paulaner, Imperial and others. She is responsible for making marketing strategies, giving prices and the places where the beer is sold. She has no routine and never has a day similar to another. All the time she is having meetings with suppliers , press agents, she loves what she does.

Dolores has faced the loss of dear family members.Her dad died in a plane accident nine months after she was born and she also lost her sister when she was fourteen. Despite this, she is cheerful, always happy and optimistic. When she comes to Tucumán she enjoys her time with her mother Elizabeth, her sister Soledad and lots of cousins including me.
Talking of good moments she said that she has had the best moments EVER in school. She remembers once when Av. Perón was not yet constructed, there were still sugar fields by the secondary school. She and three classmates went into it and ate sugar cane and the headmistress heard of that and gave them “amonestaciones”. She was also in the volleyball team which was a lot of fun and when they had to play tournaments it was awesome because they used to skip classes.

Originality is one of her most important parts of her personality so instead of having a dog or a cat she has a ferret called Victor Samuel Hugo Barrios. She said that ferrets are domesticable like dogs but they are more independent like cats and they love to sleep. Once he made a little bed with papers to sleep there.

Dolores has a very strong spirit and she has the ability to transmit happiness to other people. She has studied a lot and sacrificed too to get all that she has now and it’s great when you meet someone like her because she is very special and unique, maybe a model to follow.

José Ricardo Cossio
2º Polimodal A2

Friday, June 26, 2009

Daniel Daziano: A self-confident young man

Daniel Daziano is a shy, quiet, and responsible young man that is now 21 years old. However, he is also funny and spends a lot of time with his friends. When I arrived at his house he was in his room studying for university. He was much focused obviously. First he refused to be interviewed because I was stealing his study time, but then he proceeded kindly.

We sat in the kitchen and started to talk while drinking coke. The main theme of our talk was school. Daniel graduated in 2006. He said he had had very good moments at Saint Patrick’s School, especially in the high school. He had very friendly classmates so he really enjoyed their time together and he said he will never forget them. He gave me a piece of advice: “take advantage and enjoy high school because university is completely different”. I will take that into account.

He was a good and correct student in high school and so is he in college now. In 3rd. Polimodal he took two certificates of the International Baccalaureate Examination: English and Mathematics. He told me it is a pretty good help for my future, especially in University. Talking about College, I can say that he is studying Electronic Engineering at UNT and he is now in his third year.

At the end I asked him about the best anecdote he remembered from school. He said he had a lot, but the best was all the last year of school, especially the trip to Bariloche. It was one of the last times he was together with all of his schoolmates and he really spent the most wonderful time of his life. For him it was an awesome experience.

To conclude, I can say that Daniel is an amusing and optimistic guy that is focused on his future and his career but also on his social life. He is a good example of a balanced life in which he doesn’t disregard any aspect of his duties and obligations.

Remember the good times, remember school.

Incense smell is in the air as we enter Valentina Becker’s studio at her home. She is working on a book cover design at her computer, but accepts the interview in good spirit. As the school topic is brought up, her eyes get nostalgic and she has to think in order to remember, as if it were something that happened long ago.

Valentina graduated in 2007 when many things were changing at Saint Patrick School. To mention one, she took part of the first group of students that sat for the A2 English level of the IB. 2007 was also the year of a school musical and she says: “I really enjoyed meeting new people and having fun at Saint Patrick’s High School Musical rehearsals”.

Valentina is also a skilled writer who began working with the school blog in which she worked as chief-editor, which inspired her to create her own ( that has now over 20,000 hits from around the world.

Now, her life is very different, far away from what happened at school. She’ s studying Graphic Design at UNSTA and most of her time during the week is spent on designs and drawings. However, she enjoys playing softball -she plays for UNSTA’ s Varsity Team- and spending time with her family which consists of her parents Raul (51) and Claudia (46), and her brothers Germán (16) and Tomás (9).

Until we finished the intervew, she was still with that nostalgic look in her eyes,
like remembering something that is long gone, and is not coming back. A life full of
effort and work is awaiting in the future, and Valentina is ready to go for it.


She did great at school and at college and is now a wonderful professional and a devoted wife. How can someone be all of this? Well, Agustina Romero can.

Class of ’98, she graduated with a high grade average and studied Economics at UNT. Now she is working at Santander Rio Bank and is expecting a baby in November.
When I started talking about school, she automatically smiled. She was very pleased to remember her adolescence in high school, especially the volleyball matches at break between the different grades and also remembered Ricardo Barcat’s Math classes. While she was explaining what they were like, she laughed because she remembered all the funny things done, like throwing paper balls all around the classroom.

In 1999, a year after she graduated, she started Economics at UNT and since then, up to 2003, she didn’t stop studying. Her time in college was lovely remembered because at that time she met the love of her life, who is now her husband and in a few months the father of her daughter.

At present, Agustina works at Santander Rio Bank doing administrative work but she also finds time to go to the gym or just spend time with her husband in their house in a Yerba Buena gated neighborhood. By the way she talked to me, I could see she is a magnificent woman who is worth meeting. She is the kind of woman I would like to be in the future.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

After School

She received me in her room which was bit untidy as she was feeling a little sick, but she was studying anyway. She graduated in 2007 and she is now in her second year of Medicine. She is María Fernanda Neme.

I asked her what she did right after finishing high school, and without thinking, she told me that she had started studying for the entrance examination for medicine school, which went well. She also told me that she was devoting all her time to studying, she added she would have a lot of time to work in the future.

I asked for an anecdote she remembers from her time in high school. She sat down and thought for a little time, and then smiling told me of a time, after reading the book Animal Farm with Charlie, they did a mock trial to decide if Napoleon the pig was guilty or not. Still grinning she said there were three, and she was one of them; there were the witnesses, the accused, the defense, and the jury. At the end they decided to sentence Napoleon the pig.

Remembering her time at high school, when she was not the best student, and now studying medicine, proves that Fernanda is a mature woman who thinks devoting time to studying can take you anywhere, without taking the fun times out.

Do you remember?

As I walked into his study I noticed the silent, calm climate in which he was reading Jorge Luis Borges’ ‘El Aleph’. Nicolas Meloni Class of ‘06 is currently studying Business Administration at the UNT, is in 2º year and has 20 years. He likes playing football with friends, listening to Bob Dylan, The Doors or Led Zeppelin and has recently come back from working for two months as an assistant in a company in the US. He has a small but united family: his parents and two younger brothers. By the way, and despite the difference of age, he speaks of his brothers like two very close friends of his.

He remembers his school days at CSP as a golden time, full of adventures and anecdotes that are worth hearing. One of them was when one of his friends hid a classmate’s pencil box behind the heater. The day after this, when the heater was turned on the pencil box melted and started a fire. The students were called by Diana de Pindar, the principal of the school, and after putting sanctions to culprit, she blamed a very famous TV show presenter that has a humor program: ‘This is all Tinelli’s Fault ‘’causing the laugh of everybody in the class. He thanked me kindly for making him remind those awesome times at high school and I also did because of the time he had spent during the interview. He is now a guide to me and his experiences are worth taking into account.

The best time of our lives

Who wouldn’t miss the most fun time in life after so much mischief with your friends! High school would probably be a curse for some people, but not for Maximo Alvarez ’07. Now two years after graduating he would like to go back in time and be at school again.

Currently majoring in Business Administration at UNSTA, Maximo Alvarez is really busy and says university is really hard. He is still organizing himself, but he is always remembering his life at school and everything that happened there, one of his great anecdotes was when they didn’t go to class and the preceptores had to act as detectives to find him and his friends.
Although his life has changed unbelievably he still goes out with his friends and plays rugby at Cardenales Rugby Club.Everyone calls him with different nicknames as Maso, Cheto and Machi. He also plays the guitar and likes to listen to some rock bands such as Pink Floyd and The Beatles very loud.

High school is a part of life that no one would ever forget because of the freedom, the friendly atmosphere, the little work you have and the less responsibility compared to university. Just be glad for what you have right now and don’t complain about it, because there is always something worse; as Maximo said:” enjoy this wonderful time at High School, you’ll never live something like that, i would love to go back in time to be there again”

By Julieta Muratore


Now he feels a lot of pressure upon him. Thanks to university he doesn’t have much free time and he only sees his friends on weekends. So was High School really bad? Ask Nicolas Padros '07 and you’ll understand why it was definitely not!

Nowadays he’s a busy guy as an industrial engineering major at UNSTA who likes to hang out with his friends and listen to Blink 182. But Travis Barker and his band don’t help much in his daily life; apart from all the work and studies he has to do, in his mind, Nicolas keeps excellent memories of his life at school and he remembers them with a big nostalgic smile on his face.

According to Nicolas, life at Saint Patrick School was awesome! His favourite subject, “Formacion Moral”; his worst subject…English, ironic right? Having so many hours of English at school, he hated it, and he still does; but he remembers all his suffering during Charlie’s lessons, the lessons he went to, because until he got caught he used to sleep behind the farthest tree just to avoid English! When Ricky comes to his mind he can’t stop laughing, “He was my favourite teacher! We had so much fun in his classes” he says, and now he’s a little worried because Ricky is retiring soon. Nicolas thinks that he deserves a huuuuuuge party.

This boy’s life has drastically changed; university is not as simple as it is thought to be. So what he most misses of school is the chance to see his friends everyday, to have fun with them and the few responsibilities and work to do. He now believes that resenting high school would probably be the worst thing to do and he advises us to enjoy this stage in life because it’s unique; there’s no better time.
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