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Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Sofía and Lourdes are rushing through the hallway because they have to be on time for a meeting. They represent First Polimodal in the Student Council’s meetings. School Week is near and there must be lots of activities to organize. They are only two of the representatives of each grade. There they will discuss and give ideas.
This Student Council was created last year when a new system was implemented at school. Now Third Polimodal students aren’t the only ones who make all the decisions, now they take into account all the students’ ideas and opinions. This gives the events that they organize a new sense and meaning. Those events consist of ceremonies and different perfomances, including School Week.
One example is the Student’s Day celebration they organized last year. It consisted of dividing the school into three different groups, determined by three colours (red, blue and yellow). Every student had to wear a t-shirt with the colour of their group. Every grade had to design a game to be played by the rest of the students. That day, school dressed in those three colours, we could see students and teachers playing and having fun. We all ended up eating cakes and dancing! It was a really nice activity because all the school was there, sharing a different atmosphere in the same building where we study every day. That afternoon, everyone would go home talking about the great time they had spent.
This organization method is implemented in lots of schools but at Saint Patrick’s it hadn’t work. It has never been an option to change the system that students had been using all these years, but last year a new project came up. With everyone’s help it was implemented and it have had a positive impact. It was really difficult to propose this kind of change but we received everyone’s support. Now, students feel they are being listened to and they like that, whereas before no one cared about their opinions, something that negatively affected the organization of all the events, especially School Week.
School Week consists of usually three days of activities such as sports tournaments and different competitions, which includes futbol, volleyball and rugby games. In the morning these activities are only for our school students, but in the afternoon several other invited schools participate. In the evening there are shows such as Choreography Night and Concerts. Every year this was all the same and students got bored.
Over the years, monotony became a problem, since students didn’t like the activities that were planned so they weren’t willing to participate. This situation has remained but this time is expected to be different. As a consequence of the new system, everyone gives and propose ideas and activities that are interesting for them and their classmates. In that way, they can have a good time participating in acitivities they have proposed, and not in activities in which they are pushed to do things they don’t like.
Another consequence of this plan is the better relationship the younger and the older students have now, something that hardly ever happened before. Also the idea of one school is starting to develop among teachers and students, wich is very important because they spend most of their time at school and they need to be in a place where they feel comfortable.
In conclusion, we all have been part of a change, a really good one. All of this hasn’t been only for a better School Week, but to create a better concept of school, one which isn’t only study and homework. This time, School Week will be just another good consequence of the work done by all the students and all the group work they have done.

Here are some pictures about last year School Week. There, only Third Polimodal was in charge of making all the decisions and the organization. The other pictures are about the Student’s Day Celebration, which was organized by Student Council with members from all the grades.

Sports at Saint Patrick's School Week.

Choreography night.

Students Day Celebration.

The Student Council also organized a camp and invited all the students to spend the night at school. It was the first time something like this was organized. We all had a great time together.

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