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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

An Artist Facing Science

Classical music and expressive moves on the floor are what I first sensed when I entered Ana

Craig's room. She is prepairing herself for a corporal expression presentation and now her high

school time lies far behind in her memory.As i ask her, she tries to remember those hard times,

but she doesn't stop her dance and asks me to repeat my questions.

Ana Craig who is in fact my sister, wasn't sure of being interviewed, but as I insisted

she gave in and we got started. She confessed that her wort memories lie in school times, but she

did have something for me. Ana graduated in 2002 from Saint Patrick's school where seh took part

of the Junior Achievement project which that year consisted in making chutney.the whole group was

to produce it at home and try to sell it, and that's what the actually did! "It was hard work,

here at home with mountains of fruit to cook" she adds.

Her life nowadays is quite different. She told me that after her practice she had to go to

a flute lesson in her music school which would hopofully take her to another concert such as the

one she has already had with Ensemble Tornasol a few months ago in the Alberdi Theater. Since her

first yeras she has spent a lot of her time playing the recorder (plastic little flute) and

that's where her flute abilities come from. Her art classes inspired her to do more and expand

the limits of her imagination, but her path started to change course when science got in her

head. Her will to get to know bacteriaand different uses of substances pushed her to major in

Biotechnology. She is actually working on her final thesis at the moment.

Now that she has hot her hobbie, music, art and career, her goal is to become a good flute

player, which she hopes will take her travelling around the world performing infront of huge

crowds. She hopes to get a job after finishing her studies and then form a family.

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