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Sunday, June 24, 2007

Introducing labels

Our organization will be based on "Labels" or "Tags." Do you know what they are?
A “label” is a tag, a sticker, a marker; it means "etiqueta". It is a way of organizing the entries.

I tried to get some “solapas” but I couldn’t. I leave here the link to the guide I got, if any of you can manage to put them alright, great! The problem is that you need to be knowledgable of CCS codes and HTML… which I am still learning with all of this new era of blogs.

So, we will have up there, on top of the blog, the “Label Cloud”, with all the labels of our site. When you click on the label “books”, for example, all the entries labelled “books” will open. And so on with every single label you see.

I’m starting the Label Cloud with some labels now, but if you think of any other important label, just add it at the bottom of your post!
Interviews, School Projects, Reviews, Books, Movies, Events, Music, Students’ Literature, Polls, News, Global, Argentina, Tucumán, Yerba Buena, School Week, Trips, Ceremonies, Calendar, School life, Jokes

So, when you post an entry related to one of the themes in the tags, just add the name of that label on your "label writing square". We should put at least one label to each entry in order to keep things organized.

I hope we all get involved in this and make this project a really good one!

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