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Sunday, June 24, 2007

School week schedule

Here I leave the activities for the school week! It's getting near, so make a team, play sports, go every single day, you'll sure have a lot of fun! This year you will!! XD

SanPa's School Week: August. Wednesday 1st, Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd

Internal week (morning): typical sports, new and innovative ones, interesting talks (one per grade), practice the choreography on the stage, professional dancers dancing for you!!

External week (afternoon): sport tournaments: football, rugby, hockey, softball, volley; see cute boys and girls!

External week (night):
Wednesday: presentation, video clip of the promotion, folklore
Thursday: choreographies night!!
Friday: rock 'n roll!! Arrabal and El Bordo on stage!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone, especially for you Vale!!!

You're doin' great with the blog Vale, nice indeed.

A lot of activities, so "this is show time", lol

Oh, the post before this, you almost forgot to tell about the chance to share some experience with "other-country" students. I mean, for example our friendship.

It's so interesting to learn, by this way, some customs from many diferent cultures, really great.

Bye Vale, nice job, c ya ltr!
Atte Joaku

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