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Monday, April 27, 2009

I’ve stopped waiting for a prince on a white horse…now I’m waiting for a vampire in a shiny Volvo!

Have you ever experienced the need of keep watching a movie? That you don’t want it to end? Or maybe you’re reading a book and you can’t stop because you have to know what comes next!! You’re so interested with the story that you feel whatever the characters are feeling? Don’t worry you’re not a freak!
Thousands of people, including myself, had lived this sort of experiences while watching Twilight and reading the series books. And do you know why?
This love story was written by Stephenie Meyer, an American housewife who once dreamed with a vampire and started writing the book. Not so sure of what to expect she decided to finally publish it in 2005.Fortunately, the story was a huge success! The following year with Twilight leading every list of best sellers, Stephenie wrote its sequel New Moon which is also followed by Eclipse, Breaking Dawn and Midnightsun.
Twilight is a modern love story between a normal teenager and a vampire. Bella Swan has always been different, never caring about fashion or the latest gossip around her Phoenix high school. When her mother remarries and sends Bella to live with her father, she doesn’t expect anything to change. Then she meets the mysterious and gorgeous Edward Cullen, a boy unlike any she's ever met. When Bella discovers what “the pale faces” (Edward’s family) were; it was too late…she was already madly in love with Edward. “Soon they start a passionate and thrilling romance”.But the closer they get; the more difficult for Edward to resist the pull of her scent. But what will Bella and Edward do when the new clan of vampires threatens them to death?
This awesome story continues in New Moon, the second book of the series. After this one Eclipse follows with love problems and the appearance of not only vampires but also other creatures. But the best of all the books, from my point of view, is Breaking Dawn which is the longest of all, but believe me…it’s worth reading!
The movie was released in 2008 with an increasing number of fans all around the world. Apart from the story, what people really love is the movie’s crew. Kristen Stewart plays Bella and Robert Pattinson, Edward. This English guy is the real reason why so many girls love the movie or become interested in the story after watching him on the screen playing a sexy vampire. All the actors involved in the film are now living a sudden success, most of them weren’t known until this huge vampire phenomenon, but now they’re the constant object of looks, photos, cameras and paparazzi.
If I have to give an opinion, I definitely recommend this movie, and the whole Twilight’s series. It’s really incredible the way you laugh, cry, worry and have these sorts of feelings when you’re reading the story and also how Edward dazzles you in the movie. I hope you become interested and read the books or if you prefer watching the movie, with the disadvantage that you’ll have to wait until November when New Moon is released or maybe next year when it comes to our country!

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