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Monday, May 19, 2008

Creativity is the capacity that allows us to create new things, reach new conclusions and solve problems in original ways. It is the creation of an idea or concept which is new, original, useful and which satisfies the creator and other people. It is the basic principle for the improvement of individual intelligence and for the progress of society, for natural evolution. So this is something essential and natural for us. But, why don’t we develop it or give it the importance it deserves? In my opinion creativity is really necessary and important for society to move forward.

Firstly, by developing creativity we get to know ourselves more. To know what we are good at and in which areas we have more skills. To be original is important nowadays, especially in this society where the majority go to the same places, wear the same clothes, express in the same way and have similar ways of living and where T.V. programmes and the media show the same lifestyle. Society needs people with different interests such as arts, education, technology, laws, public places, money, government and so forth. In this way it can develop and be a better place for everyone. Some specialists say that the most powerful countries in the future will be the ones with a creative class, people who use creativity a lot in their jobs, and it can be used in every job.

To develop creativity is possible, natural and essential. We are all born with a creative capacity which can later be developed or not. Creativity is reached with imagination and fantasy, getting out of routine and conformity and its aim is to create things beyond reality. So everything around us has been a product of creativity: books, TV programmes, political programmes, furniture, fashion, music and even life styles. Everything begins with an idea.

There are many techniques to develop creativity such are: mental maps, brainstorming, creative solution of problems, relaxation, creation through images, theatre and art. Through art, for example, you have to face the blank page. The first times it is uncomfortable and it seems difficult, but after a few times you come up with ideas more naturally and easily. In theatre, you have to put yourself in the role of other person and have to behave and think like them, so you concretely walk in somebody else’s shoes, have another point of view and think in a different way.


There are different conditions that are needed for creativity to be developed. Firstly, a person needs to have time alone, time to think, to be able to create: studies show that imaginative inspiration is more likely to happen in journeys by train or bus or ... at the bathroom! Places where state of concentration is easily reached and fantasy and imagination can expand. Secondly, acceptance and respect are important, there is a theory that says that three aspects condition creativity: the society, the area or discipline and the creator (person who makes the change). Social groups evaluate the ideas, different kinds of society limit or expand creativity of its members and in this way they develop their identity, their tradition.

The project to develop creativity for a social cause could begin at schools, with education. For example, in other countries, such as U.S.A., schools offer courses such as photography, art, fashion design and theatre, subjects in which creativity can be developed. But in Argentina the education curriculum includes the basic subjects and nothing more. In the case of our school we have more chances to develop our creativity than other Argentinian schools because we have the freedom to do activities such as plays, photography contests, taking part in a Student Council and we also have the possibility to do the IB programme. Through the Student Council we develop creativity organizing activities to pursue all our objectives such as a great recreative school week. And the IB programme makes us independent thinkers. In this way we are not easily cheated or influenced and we are more unique.

To conclude, I believe creativity is really necessary nowadays for us and for our society, so we should begin to develop it and give it the importance it deserves. Also education plays a very important role in this so we, Argentinians, should include it in education curricula so all the people get to know themselves more, make the population more diverse and for our society to be developed.

Girls preparing decoration for a party, one of the activities that school lets us do and in which we can develop creativity

Art classroom at school

Girls from the school dancing

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