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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Best Moments Ever

Happy, cheerful, now living in Buenos Aires and enjoying her job at CCU (United Beer Companies), Maria Dolores Scotta, Class of '97, was willing to share her current life with us.

Apart from working, Dolores also likes to swim, go out a lot, listen to her favourite music of the 80s , like Madonna and songs sung in French. She graduated from San Andres University in Business Administration and now after working in important companies such as Unilever, she is working as a brand manager of Super Premium Beer brands: Ciriba, Guiness, Paulaner, Imperial and others. She is responsible for making marketing strategies, giving prices and the places where the beer is sold. She has no routine and never has a day similar to another. All the time she is having meetings with suppliers , press agents, she loves what she does.

Dolores has faced the loss of dear family members.Her dad died in a plane accident nine months after she was born and she also lost her sister when she was fourteen. Despite this, she is cheerful, always happy and optimistic. When she comes to Tucumán she enjoys her time with her mother Elizabeth, her sister Soledad and lots of cousins including me.
Talking of good moments she said that she has had the best moments EVER in school. She remembers once when Av. Perón was not yet constructed, there were still sugar fields by the secondary school. She and three classmates went into it and ate sugar cane and the headmistress heard of that and gave them “amonestaciones”. She was also in the volleyball team which was a lot of fun and when they had to play tournaments it was awesome because they used to skip classes.

Originality is one of her most important parts of her personality so instead of having a dog or a cat she has a ferret called Victor Samuel Hugo Barrios. She said that ferrets are domesticable like dogs but they are more independent like cats and they love to sleep. Once he made a little bed with papers to sleep there.

Dolores has a very strong spirit and she has the ability to transmit happiness to other people. She has studied a lot and sacrificed too to get all that she has now and it’s great when you meet someone like her because she is very special and unique, maybe a model to follow.

José Ricardo Cossio
2º Polimodal A2

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