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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

CSP: High school memories...

As I entered her room, I found Alejandra Daziano studying hard for one of her last subjects at her UNT career: civil engineering. There, I started asking her some personal questions and about her most memorable moments at school. With no problem, she left her pen, and very relaxed she answered all of them…

Firstly, I asked her some questions about her childhood, and Alejandra told me she loved being with her group of friends, while playing with dolls. After that, she opened her wardrobe and took some of the dolls she used to play with; it was really a wonderful memory.

Alejandra has two brothers and a sister. Last month, she gave her family one of the most important news in her life: she is going to get married in March, next year. Of course she is very excited, and she thinks her life will change completely from that moment.

Of Saint Patrick’s School, Alejandra has many memories, but without a doubt she told me that the best of all of them was the last year, especially the school trip to Bariloche. “It was really wonderful” she said, and it was one of the last moments where all the class was together.

Nowadays, Alejandra is in her last year at her UNT career: civil engineering, majoring in hydraulics. But while she is studying, she has the possibility to do field work in “Hidroeléctrica de Tucuman”, where she feels really comfortable. Alejandra Daziano is a very mature and meritorious woman that knows how to manage her life, leaving behind the little girl that played with dolls.

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