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Thursday, June 25, 2009


Gonzalo Romero, Class of ’03, was happy and nostalgic to talk about his high school years. He remembers his Math classes with Ricardo Barcat, and some youthful mischief. But he has changed completely since then. Now he studies, works and makes the most of life.

Sitting at his desk, he left his pen on his book, to answer my questions. He told me about his family, which consists of two boys and three girls, and about his friends, too. In his free time he hangs out with them and they meet at “El Sauce”. He loves playing tennis and golf, but sometimes he goes biking or jogging in the mountains.

At school, Ricardo Barcat was his favourite teacher, and he enjoyed his classes. He was a mischievous student. Astonished, he recalls a specific one, and laugh: when he took his car from the parkinglot, and at great speed, he drove around the athletic track. ‘I am really surprised, I can’t believe I did that’

But nowadays he concentrates on his new job at Idea, a Real Estate Entrepreneurship, in which he is really happy and comfortable. He is also studying Economics at UNT. He left back the adventuruos child to become a man, who is hardworking, persevering and more mature.

By Candelaria Romero

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