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Friday, June 26, 2009


She did great at school and at college and is now a wonderful professional and a devoted wife. How can someone be all of this? Well, Agustina Romero can.

Class of ’98, she graduated with a high grade average and studied Economics at UNT. Now she is working at Santander Rio Bank and is expecting a baby in November.
When I started talking about school, she automatically smiled. She was very pleased to remember her adolescence in high school, especially the volleyball matches at break between the different grades and also remembered Ricardo Barcat’s Math classes. While she was explaining what they were like, she laughed because she remembered all the funny things done, like throwing paper balls all around the classroom.

In 1999, a year after she graduated, she started Economics at UNT and since then, up to 2003, she didn’t stop studying. Her time in college was lovely remembered because at that time she met the love of her life, who is now her husband and in a few months the father of her daughter.

At present, Agustina works at Santander Rio Bank doing administrative work but she also finds time to go to the gym or just spend time with her husband in their house in a Yerba Buena gated neighborhood. By the way she talked to me, I could see she is a magnificent woman who is worth meeting. She is the kind of woman I would like to be in the future.

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