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Sunday, August 19, 2007

I Miss You . . !

This piece is for someone that means a lot to me.
I do miss you . .

It has been a long time since I told you all about my dreams and nightmares. It has been so long since the last time I saw you walking out from Church as you were talking to your best friend.
The truth is that I can't stop thinking about the last e-mail you sent me while I was in the U.S; neither about that time up in the mountains when you held my hand while I was desperately crying just to make me smile . . .

What hurts me most is that I see you every day and you are always around me, but I can't talk to you and you can't talk to me. I spent long minutes looking at you thinking about the times we laughed, and about our long and incredible talks - I can't deny that I am still able to recall that time when we were looking at the city lights while we were listening to "Stuck in a moment" by U2.
Last year you saved me from my eating disorder and you carried me to a place I thought I would never get. You don't know how much you mean to me, actually you are "something" I appreciate so much . . just because you, unconscious about it, led me to God's grace.
I owe you an important part of myself . . You do know everything about me - With a look into my eyes you discover how I am and what I am thinking about . .
And all those times you asked me to go out to have our monthly friends talk and you did nothing else but give me advices and instructions. But those times you told me all about YOU were unique, and they will be kept in my mind forever.
I thought I was over you because I lost you as my friend 3 months ago . . I thought that I didn't care anymore.

But I realized that I miss you, and I remember you every hour of every day of every month.

I need you because you know all about me.
I need you to save me once more.

I simply NEED YOU, as I have always needed you.

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