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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

. SchoOl Week - Cultural Events * *

Youthfulness and Interaction

School Week - Cultural Events

This year the cultural events had a different focus. They weren’t only informative but also a dialogue was established between the students and the young people that were in charge of giving the talks. Another aspect that made this morning something worth participating in was the fact that these young people belong to different movements and institutions.

Although the talks were quite short they had a clear and specific message that was transmitted orally and with the use of PowerPoint presentations, games or short movies. Students, teachers and school authorities were involved in the activities, and all together shared a special and unique moment that helped strengthen their relationship.

7th grade

In 7th grade the talk was given by the 17-year-old Florencia Tinnirello, student of 3rd polimodal of St. Patrick’s school and member of the Focolare Movement. The talk started with an interactive game in which the children had to join in 3 groups and each of had to find the pieces of a puzzle that formed a phrase. These phrases were allusive to a different way students can carry on their relationships with their friends and adults.

Later on, a debate based on the significance of these phrases took place. Finally, a conclusion was given by Florencia and she supported it with a PowerPoint presentation that stressed the main point of the talk.

8th grade

In 8th grade the same game was played but the talk was given by a young woman called Luciana Sarmiento, who belongs to the “Grupo de Jóvenes” from the church Nuesrta Sra. Del Valle. Even though the phrases were similar to the 7th grade presentation, the focus of the talk was different, according to this age group.

It wasn’t only a talk but also a debate in which the students gave their point of view in relation to specific experiences. At the end, the groups read a list of characteristics of the grade and their classmates. Finally, the same PowerPoint presentation about friendship was showed to the students.

9th grade

In 9th grade the starting point was a short movie about the 2000 meeting between young adults and Pope John Paul II. The theme of this annual meeting was the importance of each person in the world and its individual potential. Taking these two concepts as the basis of the discussion, two members of the Focolare Movement, Cecilia Craig and Marìa Jose Ahumada led the discussion

The students showed great interest because the two girls gave up the formalities and concluded this talk with a small theatre play in order to strengthen the true meaning of being an adolescent.

1st polimodal

In 1st polimodal, the theme was correctly chosen because it was an introduction to the activities Junior Achievement offers students in 2nd polimodal, such as “The Company”, “FIE” and “Socios por un dìa”. The talk was given by the coordinator of Junior Achievement, Paula Romero, whose main purpose was to motivate the students to participate in these activities. Also this talk was supported by two students of St. Patrick’s school, Antonieta Majorel and Ignacio Veròn, who talked about their experiences in the activities aforementioned.

In “The Company”, a group of volunteer students has to manage a company. They have to take decisions, talk with businessmen, treat with providers, commercialize, convince companies to become your client and assume responsibilities. Students who committed themselves with the life of the company end this program with lot of experience and an entrepreneur attitude.

“FIE” is the “Foro Internacional de Emprendedores” that takes place once in a year in Córdoba. It’s a huge meeting of 600 teens from 16 to 23-years-old from all over the world, who share a week full of fascinating conferences and amusing and interesting activities. There’s a great cultural exchange and it is an excellent opportunity to make new friends.

“Socios por un día” is an activity where students have the opportunity to spend a whole day with an optional professional. Students can learn what that professional does and that will help them to decide which career they want to study at university.

2nd polimodal

In 2nd polimodal, the ones in charge of the talk were two girls from the Focolare Movement whose names are Josefina Zàrate and Josefina Zuriani. In this group the starting point was a 5-minute movie about the true purpose of adolescents nowadays.

Later on, the students, some teachers and the two discussion leaders carried on a deep and interesting debate on which direction adolescents should take and the balance that they should pursue in life. Finally a souvenir was given to them that consisted of a John Lennon Song, “Imagineabout being one, and a quote from Gandhi, that claims: "No se nos otorgará la libertad externa más que en la medida exacta en que hayamos sabido, en un momento determinado, desarrollar nuestra libertad interna"

As a conclusion, although the students may not have fully paid attention to each talk, we can say as 3rd polimodal students that we had planted a seed that eventually will grow in their hearts and minds.
We have organized something that was completely different in comparison to last years and we are really satisfied with the results we got. The students were given the opportunity of knowing a brand new perspective of life and this is just the beginning of a long and amazing journey for them as well as for us.

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