First and second polimodal went to San Martín theatre last Wednesday to watch Drácula. Well, five of us, from third polimodal went last Friday because we really wanted to go, but we couldn't on Wednesday. In my opinion, although it was an adapted show only for students, it was really good.
What do you think? Did you enjoy it? Which were your favourite characters or actors?
The Musical was excellent! I was really amazed by the voices of some of the characters, incredible! It was very enthusiastic and energetic, every act pierced into the audience! Certainly an experience to remember.
In my consideration, the best performes where Dracula and Lucy (both main characters) mostly because the strength of their singin and acting was unbelievable.
Also, the light effects created an atmosphere that made you feel inside the play and distinguish the different scenes and sensations.
Certainly recommended to go watch it whenever you can!
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