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Friday, September 21, 2007

Recreational afternoon for Teacher’s Day “Horacio Campero”

On September 17th the new Student Council organized Teacher’s Day celebration. It was a new experience for everybody, new activities and a lot of fun. We felt we were all a huge family and really felt part of the school. The afternon brought so much joy with a satire, the Color Festival, dance, presents, Cokes and medialunas.
The afternoon started with teachers and students getting dressed in the teachers room and some curious eyes looking through the window.

Our dear Ricky said some beautiful words before the performance.

For the satire some students imitated the most outstanding features of some teachers dressed like and talking like them. The teachers acted as students doing what we usually do in class: eat a lollypop, talk, swing in the chair, read a magazine... The whole school laughed a lot and we thought that people would talk and would not pay attention, but it was the other way round: everybody was silent, listening to what we were doing and saying and laughing at every single move! After the satire, Ayelén Ormaechea gave a great speech to the teachers and we gave a present to every teacher of the school.

We went to school with a t-shirt of our color: blue, red or yellow and we lived again the enthusiam of the Color Festival of the Primary School. There were some games and we were in teams of each color. People from different grades and a same color got together and competed against other color, not just one grade against the other as usual. That made us feel close to people we never had the chance to share something with.

Then we all got together at different tables to have some Coke, medialunas and cakes made by kids from the school. After that students and teachers danced together a lot! A couple of boys from 2nd polimodal were in the role of entertainers with the microphone, which made people enjoy the afternoon a lot more.

The whole celebration of Teacher’s Day was great as we all had fun, we all shared with people from different grades and teachers and we felt we all belonged to the same family. That’s how we should feel every day and for the first time, we've felt it. We spent an afternoon different from every other and we remembered our dear Horacio on this day.

1 comment:

CAL said...

I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the warmth and so much work and care that went into the planning of this event. We all felt honored and loved sharing in the activities. I also loved being on the other side again -God, after so long!- even if it was for a few minutes... Thank you!!!!

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