by Nabila Sebih, Camila Masaguer, Pía Aiquel and Chloé Nougués
This is a picture of a poster made in Literature class. It describes the different steps followed in the Central London Hatchery & Conditioning Centre to make human beings.
The steps are in a circle because each circle represents the test tubes and the curves of blue sky represent social equality.
by Nicolás Barrera, Mercedes Ramallo and María Lobo
Brave New World
Central London Hatchery & Conditioning Centre
By Daniel Orderique, Pablo Iramain and Diego Aguilar
This poster describes briefly what happens in Central London Hatchery and conditioning centre. In this place is where, in Brave New World, human beings are created. They created this way of developing human life, because it's easier, and from one embryo they create 96 human beings.
By Gustavo Sanchez Iturbe, Santiago Baricco and Ramiro Lobo
This poster shows the process of Bokanovsky, in Brave New World. It´s divided in four different steps, explained in the poster. This type of creation is really easier for them, from one embryo they obtain 96 human beings!
By Emilia Lobo, Luz Padilla and Joaquín Chemi
I value your participation!!!
It would be good to know what the small letters say in your posters. Those explanations help to understand the process of fertilization in BNW.
Go on working!!
Have a nice weekend!!
Nora Gelsi
now i`ll read your rss
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